Help with "table data type"

  • Hello:

    does anyone have an example of how to insert values into a table data type from rows produced by an EXEC statement?

    I can do it with a temp table but would like to do with a table data type, as shown below:

    create table #temp_dbInfo (

    dbInfo_name varchar(50),

    dbInfo_db_size varchar(25),

    dbInfo_owner varchar(50),

    dbInfo_dbid int,

    dbInfo_created datetime,

    dbInfo_status varchar(255),

    dbInfo_compatibility_level smallint)


    insert into #temp_dbInfo exec sp_helpdb


    select * from #temp_dbInfo


    drop table #temp_dbInfo


    but... it doesn't work with the table data type, as shown below:

    DECLARE @dbInfo table (

    dbInfo_name varchar(50),

    dbInfo_db_size varchar(25),

    dbInfo_owner varchar(50),

    dbInfo_dbid int,

    dbInfo_created datetime,

    dbInfo_status varchar(255),

    dbInfo_compatibility_level smallint)

    insert @dbInfo exec sp_helpdb


    any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi, from BOL: -

    Within its scope, a table variable may be used like a regular table. It may be applied anywhere a table or table expression is used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. However, table may not be used in the following statements:

    INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure


    Andy Jones


  • Hey there,

    I don't know if this will help but have you heard of / tried this:

    EXEC sp_serveroption [<servername>] , 'data access', 'true'

    SELECT * INTO #<tablename> FROM OPENQUERY([<servername>], 'exec sp_who')

    SELECT * FROM #<tablename>

    This is one way to save the data from an SP without creating the Table first.

    Use it / don't use it, your perogative


    "It makes me want to run around the Server Room in a Super-Hero Costume"

  • thanks

    however, BOL only says you can't use INSERT INTO but it didn't say that you can't use INSERT. I wonder if there is another way.


    Edited by - billy_pang on 07/26/2002 09:46:15 AM

  • Sorry you cannot do this. You could do with a temp table then add a int IDENTITY column and use a while loop with variables to move the data from the temp table to the table variable using INSERT on the table variable or via cursor. Also as for SELECT INTO there are know locking issues when used with a temp table, it is better to use insert into like you have in your first code.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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