Help with sql statement to sum how many Individual Items from KIT Parts

  • SO I need to sum for each Individual Part that is need each day. You can order Parts individually or in a KIT.

    For instance a 455-TP kit includes (455-01,455-02,455-05,455-12)

    So and order might be 2 of a 455-TP and 2 of a 455-02 so for this order I would need  2 each of 455-01,455-05,455-12 and 4 of 455-02

    Salesorderlines  is the order table with the Part id (omlpartid) and Quantity (omlorderquantity).

    I get the Individual Parts sum from there without any trouble but I must look in the PartMaterials table to get what parts are in the KIT and that is where I get lost. I tried a case statement but is not giving me the correct numbers. I hope this is understandable.

    select   case when omlPartID in('455-TP','470-TP','450-TP') then immPartID else omlpartid end as omlpartid
    , imrQuantityOnHand,imrQuantityAllocated
    ,day0 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-10-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day1 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-13-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day2 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-14-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day3 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-15-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day4 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-16-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day5 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-17-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day6 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-20-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day7 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-21-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day8 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-22-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day9 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-23-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,day10 = ISNULL( SUM( CASE WHEN ompRequestedShipDate = '03-24-2023' THEN omlorderquantity ELSE 0 END ), 0 )
    ,(select sum(jmpProductionQuantity-jmpQuantityCompleted)

    where jmppartid=omlPartID and jmpProductionComplete !=-1 and jmpJobDate >'01-01-2023'
    group by jmpPartID) as job

    from m1_kf.dbo.SalesOrders
    left outer join M1_KF.dbo.SalesOrderLines on omlSalesOrderID=ompSalesOrderID
    left outer join on impPartID=omlPartID
    left outer join M1_KF.dbo.PartRevisions on imrPartID=omlPartID
    left outer join PartMaterials on immPartID=omlPartID
    where ompClosed !=-1 and UOMPTRUCKNUMBER !='' and impPartClassID in ('FGM' ,'KT')

    group by omlPartID,immPartID, imrQuantityOnHand,imrQuantityAllocated
    order by omlPartID, immPartID,imrQuantityOnHand,imrQuantityAllocated


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • CREATE TABLE and INSERT scripts?

    Wouldn't you have to "explode" the kits so that they return their component parts and union that with the non-kit records, and finally sum that? Or if you just want the number of parts from kits, join to a KitComponents table and multiply KitComponents.Quantity * OrderDetails.OrderQuantity?

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