January 3, 2009 at 8:07 pm
I have a table of results for individual races.
What I would like is a statement that retrieved the results with their ranking according to a where the runner came in that race.
for simplicity I'm considering adding a field to the table to record the same info permanently, but am willing to be guided on the wisdom of this!?
The SQL statement to get the times i wish to rank by goes like this:
Select Results.RaceID, Results.ResultID, Results.MemberID
Case WHEN Races.sealed = 'True' THEN
DATEADD(s,-DATEDIFF(s,Results.rHandicap, 0), Results.rTime)
DATEADD(s,DATEDIFF(s,Results.Handicap,0), Results.rTime)
END AS [Actual Time]
So from this I then want to rank each result (perhaps even a quartile will do) within it's respective race
If i can be guided as to how to restart this ranking within each race or where/what commands i need to investigate that would be appreciated....or else ill simply do it per race & update the new field i'm debating adding1?
thanks in advance
January 3, 2009 at 8:49 pm
With the information given, the short answer would be to take a look at ROW_NUMBER OVER (PARTITION BY... ORDER BY...) in Books Online. You could also do similar with RANK or maybe even DENSE_RANK.
The long answer would be that you could probably get a bit of tested demonstration code if you provided a table creation statement and some readily consummable test data... see the link in my signature for how to easily do that.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 3, 2009 at 9:31 pm
OK... thanks for this & yes those commands seem to be what i was looking for, whilst i appreciate that presenting all the required data tables would result in a "better" answer i prefer to fiddle myself (since i have the time)
I am looking for a meaningful "placement" within the race results like a percentage. rownumber is meaningless unless i know how many were in the race (guess i could do a count?? and create this myself) quartile might prove enough, but a more detailed "score" of where the participant came might be better
IS there such a thing or must i "create" it?
January 3, 2009 at 10:18 pm
What would you have for such a score? If there are 10 people in a race, isn't first through the 10th place sufficient? That "Partition By" part of the ROW_NUMBER "windowing" function would do that nicely.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 3, 2009 at 11:53 pm
Ok, what i mean is that the row number in & of itsself is meaningless unless you know how many runners were in the race. What I'm looking for is a percentile rather than a quartile (quatile might suffice since it is less work)
so by example:
row 1-10 & 10 runners
row number divided by total to give "percentile"
1/10 =.1
whereby i have rules that apply penalties or help if the runner finishes in the top 10% or top 20% twice etc...
January 4, 2009 at 12:18 am
Forgive me...have to ask....
I presume you concur it's a bad design idea to include the "percentile" information in the table?
January 4, 2009 at 9:17 am
Michael Artz (1/4/2009)
Forgive me...have to ask....I presume you concur it's a bad design idea to include the "percentile" information in the table?
Heh... why? You planning on changing the results after the races are done? There's nothing wrong with storing that type of information in the table if it'll never change again.
So far as the row number thing goes... like I said, ya gotta do the "partition" thing... something like this would do... notice how the partition on the race id will restart the numbering...
SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY r.RaceID, ORDER BY someresultformula)) /100 AS Percentile,
FROM Results r
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 4, 2009 at 2:26 pm
thanks a million!..... change results??......me???.....NEVER!!!
the problem with the advised code:
SELECT (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY r.RaceID, ORDER BY someresultformula)) /100 AS Percentile,
FROM Results r
is that again dividing by a static numeral doesnt give me meaningful data. I need to divide by a "COUNT" of the records returned within that "PARTITION" (which is the same as the highest ROW_NUMBER...i guess)
but thankyou the above example is very succinct
January 4, 2009 at 2:47 pm
Well, then add the COUNT windowing function.
/ (COUNT() OVER(PARTITION BY r.RaceID)) AS Percentile,
FROM Results r
Jeffrey Williams
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
― Charles R. Swindoll
How to post questions to get better answers faster
Managing Transaction Logs
February 10, 2009 at 1:03 am
darn... drat... curse....
sorry this has taken sooooooo long to test!!
ive tried:
SELECT row_number() over(ORDER BY [Handicap Time]) as RacePlace, [Actual Time], [Handicap Time]
FROM dbo.vwResultsActualTime
ORDER BY [Handicap Time] where RACEID=100
but got the following error:
The OVER SQL construct or statement is not supported.
which is a total lie!!! because in another stored procedure i use the rownumber/over construct as follows:
WHERE Suppliers.SupplierID = Products.SupplierID) as SupplierName,
ROW_Number() over (order by productname) as RowRank
i am sure there's some subtlety i'm missing!!??
i've even tried "dumbing" the query down to just referencing a table rather than a view...the original sql contained a partition by statment as well which ive deleted for testing!??
could this be lacking functionality in sql express??
is it possible to use this construct in a stored procedure but not a query??
im totally lost....
thank you again
February 10, 2009 at 3:53 am
OK...got this to work (partially):
(row_number() over(partition by RaceID order by [Actual Time])
)as RacePlace,
(count([Actual Time]) over(partition by RaceID)
) as raceCount,
1.*(row_number() over(partition by RaceID order by [Actual Time])
(count([Actual Time]) over(partition by RaceID))
)*100 as decimal(5,2)
) as PercPlace
FROM vwResultsActualTime
note the lack of apostrophe in the over clause
this results in the following results:
22 27 0.00
23 27 0.00
24 27
25 27 0.00
26 27 0.00
27 27 100.00
As you can see the numerator & denominator are correct but the divison results in zero results until we get to 1/1 = 100??
still lost....but a little closer
February 10, 2009 at 5:01 am
got that sorted...the over clause shouldnt have a comma after the partition statement
next some issues with parenthesis
the final & correct sql statement was....
SELECT [Actual Time], [Handicap Time], [Watch Time], raceid,
(row_number() over(partition by RaceID order by [Actual Time])
)as RacePlace,
(count([Actual Time]) over(partition by RaceID)
) as raceCount,
1.*(row_number() over(partition by RaceID order by [Actual Time])
((count([Actual Time]) over(partition by RaceID)
))*100 as decimal(5,2)
) as PercPlace
FROM vwResultsActualTime
my problem now however is that i wish to add a column to the tavble so i can forget this horrid construct!!
i know i need to join the two statements somehow..... but how?
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