Help with SQL statement please!!

  • Can someone shed some light on this for me?  Each of these conditions in my where clause work individually, however, when I run this entire statement it returns no rows.  Thanks in advance!!


    select school_code, grade, NoStudents, FinalSubmit  from spring_2004_data


     grade='k' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y') and

      grade='1' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y') and

     grade='2' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y') and

     grade='3' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y')

  • Not sure what you're trying to achieve but don't you really mean this?

    select school_code, grade, NoStudents, FinalSubmit from spring_2004_data


    (grade='k' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y')) or

    (grade='1' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y')) or

    (grade='2' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y')) or

    (grade='3' and ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y'))

    You won't get nay results from what you are running because the grade column can only have one value at a time i.e it is atomic it cannot be k and 1 and 2 and 3 all at the same time

    Hope this helps

    A rather poorely (feeling sorry for myself)


  • Actually, each row has it's own grade, for example:


    School   Grade   NoStudents FinalSubmit

    428         K           N                Y

    428         1           N                Y

    428         2           Y                N


  • Peg

    That wasn't what I meant. For your query as posted to return a result each Grade entry for each row would need to be K and 1 and 2 and 3 all at the same time which it can't be.

    The predicate's in your where condition are applied to every single row and if a row matches all the conditions in your where clause it will be selected. This is why they work individually but not together.

    I dont' know if what i posted earlier was any use but if you post some sample data and explain what you want to then I'll gladly make a suggestion

    a still poorley (yes still feeeling sorry for myself)


  • Hi Peg,

    Dave is quit right.

    The statement would be written as

    select school_code, grade, NoStudents, FinalSubmit from spring_2004_data


    (grade='k' OR grade='1' OR grade='2' OR grade='3') AND

    ((NoStudents='N' and FinalSubmit='Y') or NoStudents='Y')

    An easy way of checking this type of query is to copy and paste the query into a view design in Enterprise Manager.


    Regards CJ

  • Thanks for the replies...I got this working!

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