Help with SQL query

  • Hi,

    I need your help in creating a query, I am stuck… Attached is a sample table. Each contract may have multiple versions. I need to find out all distinct contracts that don’t have the same client name in all versions associated with that contract. From the sample, the query should return contracts 5427 and 4678. I would appreciate your help!

  • Please post what SQL you have come up with so far, so we can better assist...

    Um - This isn't a homework assignment is it?

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • This is not a homework assignment :-), I need to do this for my work but I am not very strong with the SQL. I tried group by and having statements but they didn't work for me... Thanks!

  • Glad to hear that 🙂 In either case, any one here is willing to help knowing that you've already gave it your best if you would please post what you have so far, I'm confident you'll have what you need in no time 😉

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • I'm trying to come up with a solution now.

  • More info is needed. Tried to do it but too many holes right.

  • I think I figured out how to do it... using two temp tables. Let me know if there is an easier way please...


    contract int,

    ClientName varchar(100))

    CREATE TABLE #Temp1(

    contract int)

    Insert Into #Temp (contract,ClientName)

    select distinct contract, clientname

    from table

    Insert Into #Temp1 (contract)

    select contract

    from #Temp

    group by contract

    having COUNT(contract) > 1

    select #Temp.contract, #Temp.ClientName

    from #Temp, #Temp1

    where #Temp.contract = #Temp1.contract

  • Hi

    I am trying to understand the business logic that allows you to have a single contract number with two versions that appear to be assigned to different Clients.....??

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • That is exactly why I need to identify these contracts, the business rules were not put in place. This should never have happened and we need to fix these cases.

  • does this help you....

    SELECT Contract, Client, COUNT(*) AS ContractCount

    FROM tbl_temp

    GROUP BY Contract, Client

    HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (11/23/2011)

    does this help you....

    SELECT Contract, Client, COUNT(*) AS ContractCount

    FROM tbl_temp

    GROUP BY Contract, Client

    HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)

    Actually, I think this is what is needed:

    select Contract, count(distinct Client) as ClientCnt

    from dbo.myTable -- what ever your table name goes here)

    group by Contract

    having count(distinct Client) > 1;

  • Lynn Pettis (11/23/2011)

    J Livingston SQL (11/23/2011)

    does this help you....

    SELECT Contract, Client, COUNT(*) AS ContractCount

    FROM tbl_temp

    GROUP BY Contract, Client

    HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1)

    Actually, I think this is what is needed:

    select Contract, count(distinct Client) as ClientCnt

    from dbo.myTable -- what ever your table name goes here)

    group by Contract

    having count(distinct Client) > 1; are code was wrong...thanks

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Thank you so much!

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