April 3, 2006 at 10:55 am
I have this events table.
create table events
(startdate datetime, enddate datetime, name varchar(100), location varchar(50))
insert events select '04/10/2006', '04/12/2006', 'ABC', 'New York'
insert events select '04/22/2006', '04/22/2006', 'XYZ', 'Los Angeles'
insert events select '04/26/2006', '04/27/2006', 'MNOP', 'Chicago'
I want to select from this table, but with one row for each date between startdate and enddate. Like this,
04/10/2006, ABC, New York
04/11/2006, ABC, New York
04/12/2006, ABC, New York
04/22/2006, XYZ, Los Angeles
04/26/2006, MNOP, Chicago
04/27/2006, MNOP, Chicago
Is there a way to do this in a single select statement? Or do I have to use cursors?
April 3, 2006 at 11:02 am
One possible way to perform this would be to have another table with all possible dates in it, and join to this table.
Select B.Date, A.name, A.location from
events A inner join Dates B on b.date between A.startdate and A.enddate
April 3, 2006 at 11:23 am
Instead of a table with all possible dates, can I create a UDF that takes startdate and enddate, and return all the in-between dates and insert this into a table variable inside the sproc. And use this table in the above example query instead? Will this be less efficient?
April 3, 2006 at 12:42 pm
Senthil - if Ryan was online you'd get your solution in a jiffy but since he's not around I'll post his (genius) t-sql...be sure to thank him...
--numbers table declare @Numbers table (i int identity(0, 1), j bit) insert @Numbers select top 10 null from master.dbo.syscolumns a, master.dbo.syscolumns b --calculation select convert(varchar, dateadd(d, i, startdate), 101) as Date, Name, location from events, @Numbers where datediff(d, startdate, enddate) >= i order by Name, Date
Here's the post where the exact same solution was sought - you both don't work for the same company do you ?!
**ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**
April 3, 2006 at 12:48 pm
That's slick....create a table variable of identities and create a date from them........wouldn't need updating later either......kudos to Ryan
April 3, 2006 at 2:37 pm
Thanks much.
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