Help with select statement

  • This is strictly not SQL-Server issue.

    Here is the situation.

    We import and store 7 months data, one table for one month based on transaction date. The table number and the corresponding month values are stored in a table. Depending on the transaction date, the data gets loaded into the corresponding table.

    There is a query which determines the table number and loads it into the import table. The problem I am having is if the transaction date is outside the range of 7 tables, then for that record, a null value is assigned but I want to move spaces instead.

    Here is the query

    UPDATE s

    SET s.ProdTableSuffix =

    (SELECT r.DataTable

    FROM FSDataMartReference.dbo.tblRefDataTableLocations r

    WHERE r.DataSourceCode = 4

    AND CAST(r.DataMonth AS INTEGER) = MONTH(s.TranDate)

    AND r.DataYear = YEAR(s.TranDate))

    FROM tblFalcon002DebitImport AS s

    I tried using "(SELECT isnull(r.DataTable, '') as DataTable" but it didn't work.

    I can live with null value but curious to know if there is any way the null value can be replaced with spaces or if the select statement can be tweaked so that only if there is a match for trandate, the import table is updated. The current query updates the import table even when there is no match for the trandate.

    Thanks in advance for your time.


  • Peter,

    Try this:

    UPDATE s

    SET s.ProdTableSuffix = ISNULL((SELECT



    FSDataMartReference.dbo.tblRefDataTableLocations r


    r.DataSourceCode = 4 AND

    CAST(r.DataMonth AS INTEGER) = MONTH(s.TranDate) AND

    r.DataYear = YEAR(s.TranDate)), '')


    tblFalcon002DebitImport AS s

    You had the ISNULL inside the SELECT and the SELECT was NOT returning any rows which is why you were getting nulls. By wrapping the SELECT with ISNULL you get the spaces when no rows are returned.

  • Thank you very much. It worked like a charm.


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