Help with select

  • I am trying to select rows from a table using a column that I want to compare to another column but the column being compared is not always the same column. Here are the columns in the table but I am not sure how to make the select change which column it compares to determine if record is selected.

    CaltLT, Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4

    When CalcLT is 1 I want to select row if Col1 is < 0

    When CalcLT is 2 I want to select row if Col2 is < 0

    When CalcLT is 3 I want to select row if Col3 is < 0

    When CalcLT is 4 I want to select row if Col4 is < 0

    Thanks for your help.


  • SELECT *

    FROM [MyTable]


    WHEN 1 THEN Col1

    WHEN 2 THEN Col2

    WHEN 3 THEN Col3

    WHEN 4 THEN Col4

    END) < 0)

  • Thanks for the help

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