Help with select

  • Hello,

    I have two table (employes and cars). One employee can have more then one car and in that case in cars table I will have two or more records with car data and emplID. I need to make select which will give result like :

    ID Name CarNumber

    1/001 John Smith DFV-123

    1/002 John Smith DER-232

    2/001 Frank Harrelson AGS-123

    3/001 Marie King HSS-233


    First number in ID is emlID and second is first, second, ... car that this employee

    has in cars table, so for every car I need to have number like 001,002 depending how many cars employee has.

    Any ideas how I can do it ?



  • select CAST(e.EmpID AS varchar(8)) + '/' +

    RIGHT('000' + CAST(


    FROM Cars

    WHERE EmpID = e.EmpID AND CarNumber <= c.CarNumber)

    AS varchar(3)),3) ECarID,

    e.EmpName, c.CarNumber

    FROM Employees e JOIN Cars c ON e.EmpID = c.EmpID




  • Thanks, it works 🙂

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