Help with Scalar function

  • I have a scalar function where I am trying to check which category the product falls under based on a number.

    The output should be as below.

    prod a - cat 1

    prod b - cat 2

    prod c - cat 3

    prod d - cat 4

    The cat ranges are

    1 - < 0.5

    2 - < 1

    3 - < 2

    4 - > 2

    When I debug, the cat 1 is assigned for the product but then it does not exit out of the function. I am new to scalar functions. Any help would be great.

    create table tblProd


    prod nvarchar(25),

    reg decimal,

    cat int


    insert into tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('a', 0.25, 0)

    insert into tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('b', 0.75, 0)

    insert into tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('c', 1.25, 0)

    insert into tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('d', 3.25, 0)

    IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.fn_getprodCat', N'FN') IS NOT NULL

    DROP FUNCTION fn_getprodCat;


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_getprodCat]


    @prod decimal,

    @reg nvarchar(255)


    RETURNS int --@prodCat



    declare @prodCat int

    set @prodCat = 0

    if @prod = 0 or @reg is null


    set @prodCat = 0

    return @prodCat


    declare @minprodThreshold int

    set @minprodThreshold = 0

    declare @maxprodThreshold int

    set @maxprodThreshold = 0

    declare @thresholdRange int

    set @thresholdRange = 0

    declare @catRange int

    set @catRange = 0

    set @minprodThreshold = (select min(prodThreshold) from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg)

    set @maxprodThreshold = (select max(prodThreshold) from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg)

    set @catRange = (select max(Category) from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg)

    select @prodCat = Category from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg and

    @prod >= @maxprodThreshold

    if @prodCat > 0


    return @prodCat


    select @prodCat = Category from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg and

    @prod <= @minprodThreshold

    if @prodCat > 0


    return @prodCat


    declare @idx int

    set @idx = 1

    while (@catRange between 1 and @catRange)


    set @idx = @idx + 1

    if @idx = @catRange




    select @prodCat = Category from Sales_Data_Results_Mgmt_prodCategory

    where regName = @reg and

    (@prod > @minprodThreshold and @prod < @maxprodThreshold) and

    Category = @idx

    if @prodCat > 0


    return @prodCat







    return @prodCat


  • First, I'd write it as an inline table valued function, not a scalar function. Also, from what I can see it is rather simple. Does the below, even though it doesn't update the table, return what you are expecting?

    Also, I dropped the tbl from your table name.

    create function dbo.itvCats (

    @reg decimal(10,2)


    returns table

    with schemabinding

    return (

    select case when @reg >= 2 then 4

    when @Reg >= 1 then 3

    when @reg >= 0.5 then 2

    else 1

    end Cat







    dbo.Prod p

    cross apply (select Cat from dbo.itvCats(p.reg))ca(Cats);


  • I would not suggest hardcoding category ranges.

    They should be put in a table.

    This approach dramatically reduces the need in agile development, continuous deployment and questionable technics which became very fashionable because of low coding standards dominating in the industry.

    In the following code I use table variables, but it must be a static table in the actual database.

    DECLARE @CatRanges TABLE (

    CatNo INT,

    RangeFrom DECIMAL(10,2),

    RangeTo DECIMAL (10,2)


    INSERT INTO @CatRanges

    ( CatNo ,

    RangeFrom ,



    SELECT 1, 0, 0.5


    SELECT 2, 0.5, 1


    SELECT 3, 1, 2


    SELECT 4, 2, 9.999E7

    declare @tblProd table


    prod nvarchar(25),

    reg decimal(10,2),

    cat int


    insert into @tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('a', 0.25, 0)

    insert into @tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('b', 0.75, 0)

    insert into @tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('c', 1.25, 0)

    insert into @tblProd (prod, reg, cat)

    values('d', 3.25, 0)

    SELECT ,

    p.reg ,


    FROM @tblProd p

    INNER JOIN @CatRanges R ON p.reg >= R.RangeFrom AND p.reg < R.RangeTo

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks, the categories are in a table, but not aranged as from and to values.

    Also, number of categories may change from one product to another. Some have 3 and others have 4.

  • tinausa (12/15/2015)

    Also, number of categories may change from one product to another. Some have 3 and others have 4.

    Then there must be additional column in the CatRange table:

    DECLARE @CatRanges TABLE (

    ProductID int,

    CatNo INT,

    RangeFrom DECIMAL(10,2),

    RangeTo DECIMAL (10,2)


    And you need to match by ProductID as well.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • tinausa (12/15/2015)

    Thanks, the categories are in a table, but not aranged as from and to values.

    Also, number of categories may change from one product to another. Some have 3 and others have 4.

    If you want real help, help us. You need to provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table(s) involved, sample data (as INSERT statements) for the table(s) that is representative of your problem domain, and expected results based on the sample data.

    Test all the code you are going to post in an empty database to be sure all the code runs properly. The sample should be just that, sample data not production data.

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