Help with Reversing a Running Total query

  • Here's the situation:

    A salesperson visits a customer, and talks about 1 or more products. Studies have shown that the effectiveness of the call depends upon the order in which the products are discussed (on the order of 60% for the first product, 30% for the second, and 10% for the third). CRM systems allow a salesperson to record information about a call, and the products in "detail position" order.

    What I want to do is place a dollar value on a call. But: Say the effectiveness is as above, and the salesperson only talks about a single product in the call. Then 100% of the value of the calltype should be assigned, not 60%. If the salesperson talks about only 2 products, then 60% of the calltype value is assigned to the first product, and 40% (30% + 10%) is assigned to the second product. In general, the pattern to be implemented is:

    IF call detail position < number of details in the call
    detail value = calltype value * detail position effectiveness percent
    ELSE IF call detail position = number of details in the call
    detail value = calltype value * (SUM of detail position effectiveness percent) from detail position to N
    ELSE detail value = 0 (just for completeness)

    In other words, the percentage to use for that middle value is the sum of the percentages, summed from the current detail position to the last detail position. Mathematically, let i be the detail position, n be the number of detail position effectiveness percentages: Sum the percentages, from i to n.

    I have an implementation that involves a subquery to get that tricky detail value, but this sounds to me like a "reverse running total", so I wonder if anybody can figure out a better (ie, more set oriented) solution.

    And, for extra credit ;-): There are some call types where the effectiveness percent is constant, regardless of detail position (a Seminar call type, for example, will have 100% for all detail positions). How would you modify your or my solution to handle that case?
    CREATE TABLE #CallTypes (
    type nvarchar(50),
    value float
    INSERT #CallTypes (type, value)
    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 100
    SELECT 'Lunch Meeting', 200
    SELECT 'Dinner Meeting', 250

    CREATE TABLE #DetailPositionEffectiveness (
    productid nvarchar(10),
    detailposition int,
    pct float
    INSERT #DetailPositionEffectiveness (productid, detailposition, pct)
    SELECT 'Alpha', 1, .6
    SELECT 'Alpha', 2, .3
    SELECT 'Alpha', 3, .1
    SELECT 'Beta', 1, .6
    SELECT 'Beta', 2, .25
    SELECT 'Beta', 3, .1
    SELECT 'Beta', 4, .05
    SELECT 'X', 1, .6
    SELECT 'X', 2, .4

    CREATE TABLE #Calls (
    callid int,
    type nvarchar(50),
    productid nvarchar(10),
    detailposition int
    INSERT #Calls (callid, type, productid, detailposition)
    SELECT 1, 'Lunch Meeting', 'Alpha', 1
    SELECT 1, 'Lunch Meeting', 'Beta', 2
    SELECT 2, 'Dinner Meeting', 'Alpha', 1
    SELECT 3, 'Breakfast Meeting', 'Beta', 1
    SELECT 3, 'Breakfast Meeting', 'X', 2
    SELECT 3, 'Breakfast Meeting', 'Alpha', 3

    SELECT act.CallID, act.Type, act.ProductID, act.DetailPosition,
    CASE WHEN act.NoDetails = act.DetailPosition THEN (SELECT SUM(CAST(dpct1.pct AS FLOAT))
    FROM #DetailPositionEffectiveness dpct1
    WHERE dpct1.ProductID = act.ProductID
    AND dpct1.DetailPosition >= act.DetailPosition

    GROUP BY dpct1.ProductID)

    WHEN act.NoDetails > act.DetailPosition THEN dpct.pct

    ELSE 0

    END * act.Value AS AssignedValue

    FROM #DetailPositionEffectiveness dpct

    JOIN (

    SELECT c.CallID,




    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Calls c1 WHERE c1.CallID = c.CallID) AS NoDetails,

    ct.Value AS Value

    FROM #Calls c

    JOIN #CallTypes ct

    ON c.Type = ct.Type

    ) act -- short for activity, fyi

    ON dpct.ProductID = act.ProductID

    AND dpct.DetailPosition = act.DetailPosition

    DROP TABLE #DetailPositionEffectiveness

    DROP TABLE #Calls

    DROP TABLE #CallTypes


    Expected Results:

    CallIDType ProductIDDetailPositionAssignedValue

    1 Lunch Meeting Alpha1 120

    1 Lunch Meeting Beta2 80

    2 Dinner Meeting Alpha1 250

    3 Breakfast MeetingAlpha3 10

    3 Breakfast MeetingBeta1 60

    3 Breakfast MeetingX 2 40

  • We all know SQL is not really great for running totals, but two things it does outstandingly well are summary queries and looking stuff up. Your percentage calculations could become a simple lookup if you just precalculated the values as shown below when you populate your #calltypes table.

    In your query, first do a summary total of the max number of products discussed per call id, and join it to your detail on callID, followed by a join to the #calltypes table on meeting type, max products discussed, and detail position. No running total necessary.

    CREATE TABLE #CallTypes (

    type nvarchar(50),

    maxProdDiscussed tinyInt,

    detailPosition tinyint,

    value float -- if you say so


    INSERT #CallTypes (type, maxProdDiscussed,detailPosition,Value

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 1,1,100 Union all

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 2,1,60 Union all

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 2,2,40 Union all

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 3,1,60 Union all

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 3,2,30 Union all

    SELECT 'Breakfast Meeting', 3,3,10

    select * from #callTypes

    Or, if you prefer, have three separate value columns and just join on max products, then use a case statement to select the column based on the detail position.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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