HELP With Replication (Agent suspect)

  • Hi All,

    Wehen I setup a Merge Replication between 2 works for 3 first minutes and Then

    the Merge Agent shows :Agent suspect no response within the Last 10 minutes (Satus Failed).

    The Replication does not work, the changes made in one server are not being replicated to the other server.

    However using SQL query Analyser the 2 servers can connect to each other.

    I tried to increase the querytimeout for the merge Agent but still does not work.

    What could be the problem???

    Any Help will be Much Appreciated?


  • Is your DTC running?


  • NO the DTC service is not running.


  • Havent done merge in a while - but doesnt it require a distributed transaction?


  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the Help.

    Afetr i setup the replication with the same data into another servers.

    I had the same problem .I realize that there's one table (T) is locking the process of the replication, as soon as I empty that table then the replication continue working fine, all the other tables can be replicated except the table T wich cause the lock???

    the replication was woking fine without DTC running.

    DO u have idea about how to solve this problem.

    i tried to look into the Lock objects, but i could not figure out wich process to Kill in order to release the lock?

    Any Help will be much appreciated.


  • Try sp_who or sp_who2 - both will show you the spid that is causing the blocking - its common to have to follow a chain where 1 blocks 2 blocks 3 etc - just do 'kill spid#' once you identify it. At the same time you might want to see why it's happening. dbcc inputbuffer will show you the last text..sometimes helpful. Overall it might be a bad query, user delay in mid transactions, lots of things. Better to fix the problem if you can than having to keep searching for the blocks.


  • Hello Abdul,

    If the agent is suspect that does not mean that replication is not working.

    If the table being replicated is big or if it is being replicated over slowlink then this will take a while leave it as it is for some time and then check back again.

    Aleem A Mohammed

    Aleem A Mohammed

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