Help with Query Logic

  • Hello All,

    I'm not sure if I just have not had enough coffee today or I am truly missing something larger.

    I am trying to pull those patients who have had BOTH a Potassium test and a Calcium test. However I am not getting my intended results and I am kind of embarrassed that I don't understand why. I am sure it is something simple that I am missing. I have provided some sample data along with the logic I'm confused about.

    Any help or guidance is much appreciated!

    CREATE TABLE #Patient (PatientID INT, PatientName VARCHAR (10), TESTID INT)

    INSERT #Patient VALUES (101,'John',1), (102,'Mike',1),(103,'Bob',1),(104,'Tim',1)

    ,(101,'John',2), (102,'Mike',2),(103,'Bob',2),(104,'Tim',2)

    CREATE TABLE #Test (TestID INT, TestName VARCHAR(10))

    INSERT #Test VALUES (1,'Potasium'), (2,'Calcium')

    /*Results 4 Patients*/

    SELECT *

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Test pot ON pot.TestID = p.TESTID

    WHERE pot.TestName ='Potasium'

    /*Results 4 Patients*/

    SELECT *

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Test Cal ON Cal.TestID = p.TESTID

    WHERE cal.TestName = 'Calcium'

    /*Expected Results 4 Patients 0 Returned, Why ??*/

    SELECT *

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Test pot ON pot.TestID = p.TESTID

    INNER JOIN #Test Cal ON Cal.TestID = p.TESTID

    WHERE pot.TestName ='Potasium' AND cal.TestName = 'Calcium'

    DROP TABLE #Patient,#Test

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Let's look at your last query. Reworking this a little bit to make it easier to see it would be something like this.

    SELECT *

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Test pot ON pot.TestID = p.TESTID and pot.TestName ='Potasium'

    INNER JOIN #Test Cal ON Cal.TestID = p.TESTID and cal.TestName = 'Calcium'

    There are exactly 0 rows that can have both conditions met. If you comment out the second join think about the results. You would have only the 4 rows where there is a test for 'Potasium', since you then do another inner join you saying you want the rows from the first part then add a second condition which is impossible to have.

    What are you trying to get for results?


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  • Thanks Sean,

    I am trying to get all patients that had both a Potassium and a Calcium test. Which should be all 4 people.

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • The INNER JOINs to both aliased versions of #TEST are joining on equality with the TestID from #Patient, which means each row will have the same Test (either Potassium or Calcium) from both Cal and Pot.

    Here are a couple ways to do it. The first is very inefficient, but I included it since it clearly shows what is going on logically.

    SELECT Cal.PatientName FROM

    --Get all patients with a Calcium test

    (SELECT P.* FROM #Patient P INNER JOIN #Test T ON T.TestID=P.TESTID WHERE T.TestName='Calcium') Cal


    --Join with all patients with a Potassium test

    (SELECT P.* FROM #Patient P INNER JOIN #Test T ON T.TestID=P.TESTID WHERE T.TestName='Potasium') Pot

    ON Cal.PatientID=Pot.PatientID

    --More efficient method using HAVING

    SELECT MAX(P.PatientName) FROM #Patient P INNER JOIN #Test T ON T.TestID=P.TESTID

    GROUP BY P.PatientID


    SUM(CASE WHEN T.TestName='Potasium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)>0


    SUM(CASE WHEN T.TestName='Calcium' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)>0


    EDIT: I see while I was putting this together Sean already pointed out the issue with the current query, so consider mine a +1 to his 🙂

  • Thanks Jacob,

    Those both work. I have this just now but not sure how performance would be. Aliasing the Patient table into 2 different tables.

    SELECT p.*, pot.TestName, cal.TestName

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Patient Q ON p.PatientID = q.PatientID

    INNER JOIN #Test pot ON pot.TestID = p.TESTID

    INNER JOIN #Test Cal ON Cal.TestID = q.TESTID

    WHERE pot.TestName ='Potasium' AND cal.TestName = 'Calcium'

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Sean Lange (12/1/2015)

    Let's look at your last query. Reworking this a little bit to make it easier to see it would be something like this.

    SELECT *

    FROM #Patient P

    INNER JOIN #Test pot ON pot.TestID = p.TESTID and pot.TestName ='Potasium'

    INNER JOIN #Test Cal ON Cal.TestID = p.TESTID and cal.TestName = 'Calcium'

    There are exactly 0 rows that can have both conditions met. If you comment out the second join think about the results. You would have only the 4 rows where there is a test for 'Potasium', since you then do another inner join you saying you want the rows from the first part then add a second condition which is impossible to have.

    What are you trying to get for results?

    Sean thanks for your help. It took some thinking but I finally understand this now. I kind of feel silly now. this had me going for a quite a bit.:hehe:

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Jacob's examples are great. Just for grins here is another approach. This should be about the same for performance but is a bit simpler to understand in my opinion.

    select p.PatientName

    from #Patient P


    group by p.PatientName

    having COUNT(distinct t.TestID) = 2


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