help with procedure

  • ok, imma give all the data so it's easier to understand. What's on the left is 4 tables in DB and on the right the result I need to get. I will be passing FieldID and FormID into the procedure. Sorry for all this crazy data =) Oh yeah, data in DB is dynamic and changes daily.

    FieldIDFormIDReportNameItemJohn SupplierBeth Supplier
    29086Account 1>>>OrganizationLLC 1LLC 2
    29186Account 11>>>Event NameFriday Test0
    29286Account 2>>>Form NameTestForm10
    29386Account 22>>>Account 1Account A0
    29486Account 3>>>Account 11This is info…0
    29586Account 33>>>Account 2Account B0
    29689Account 58>>>Account 22This is info…6700
    >>>Account 3Account C0
    EventIDFieldIDUserIDResponse>>>Form NameThis is info…0
    3479254058555>>>Account 33Response 2950
    160296405Beth Response 1>>>Event NameFriday 20
    1592934056700>>>Form NameTestForm30
    159295404Response 295>>>Account 58Response 58Beth Response 1
    159290404Account A>>>
    159291404This is information about Account A.>>>
    159292404Account B>>>
    159293404This is information about Account B.>>>
    159294404Account C>>>
    160296404Response 58>>>
    404SupplierJohnLLC 1>>>
    405SupplierBethLLC 2>>>
    406SupplierCarlLLC 3>>>
    407SupplierDillionLLC 4>>>
    159Friday Test
    160Friday 2
    161Friday 3
    162May Test


    Hope someone can help

  • no one knows?

  • Maybe you should try restating your problem with more details... there's no obvious solution here.

  • I thought tables show everything in pretty easy way.

    What other details should I provide?

  • Dumb @$$.. I thaught you had 7 tables instead of 5...

    can you post the ddl and dml statements to create the tables and insert this data?... or you can also search for pivot tables on this site and you'll find the solution.

  • I was trying to find some solution, but couldn't. COuld you please help me do this?

    here is statements as you asked:

    create table zTempTable1 (FieldID int, FormID int, ReportName varchar(128))

    create table zTempTable2 (EventID int, FieldID int, UserID int, Response varchar(1000))

    create table zTempTable3 (UserID int, LastName varchar(100), FirstName varchar(100), Organization varchar(128))

    create table zTempTable4 (EventID int, EventName varchar(50))

    create table zTempTable5 (FormID int, FormName varchar(128))

    insert into zTempTable1(FieldID, FormID, ReportName)

    select 290,86,'Account 1' union all select 291,86,'Account 11' union all select 292,86,'Account 2' union all select 293,86,'Account 22' union all select 294,86,'Account 3' union all select 295,86,'Account 33' union all select 296,89,'Account 58'

    insert into zTempTable2(EventID, FieldID, UserID, Response)

    select 347,925,405,'8555' union all select 160,296,405,'Beth Response 1' union all select 159,293,405,'6700' union all select 159,295,404,'Response 295' union all select 159,290,404,'Account A' union all select 159,291,404,'This is information A' union all select 159,292,404,'Account B' union all select 159,293,404,'This is information B' union all select 159,294,404,'Account C' union all select 160,296,404,'Response 58'

    insert into zTempTable3(UserID, LastName, FirstName, Organization)

    select 404,'Supplier','John','LLC 1' union all select 405,'Supplier','Beth','LLC 2' union all select 406,'Supplier','Carl','LLC 3' union all select 407,'Supplier','Dillion','LLC 4'

    insert into zTempTable4(EventID, EventName)

    select 159,'Friday Test' union all select 160,'Friday 2' union all select 161,'Friday 3' union all select 162,'May Test'

    insert into zTempTable5(FormID, FormName)

    select 86,'TestForm1' union all select 87,'TestForm2' union all select 89,'TestForm3'

  • Some of the desired output is confusing, but here is a start.  I have changed the table names from the cryptic zTempTable to more meaninful names, add primary keys and foreign key constraints.

    Good Luck with the rest.

    create schema authorization dbo

    create table Events

    ( EventID int NOT NULL

    ,  EventName varchar(50) NOT NULL

    ,  constraint Events_P primary key (EventId)


    create table Forms

    ( FormID int NOT NULL

    , FormName varchar(128)  NOT NULL

    ,  constraint Forms_P primary key (FormId)


    create table FormFields

    ( FieldID int NOT NULL

    ,  FormID int NOT NULL

    ,  ReportName varchar(128)  NOT NULL

    ,  constraint FormFields_P primary key (FieldId)

    ,  constraint Forms_F_FormFields foreign key (FormId) references Forms


    create table Persons

    ( UserID int NOT NULL

    ,  LastName varchar(100) NOT NULL

    ,  FirstName varchar(100)  NOT NULL

    ,  Organization varchar(128)  NOT NULL

    ,  constraint Persons_P primary key (UserID )


    create table Responses

    ( EventID int NOT NULL

    ,  FieldID int NOT NULL

    ,  UserID int NOT NULL

    ,  Response varchar(1000)  NOT NULL

    ,  constraint Responses_P primary key (EventID, FieldId, UserID )

    ,  constraint Events_F_Responses foreign key (EventID) references Events



    insert into Persons(UserID, LastName, FirstName, Organization)

    select 404,'Supplier','John','LLC 1' union all

    select 405,'Supplier','Beth','LLC 2' union all

    select 406,'Supplier','Carl','LLC 3' union all

    select 407,'Supplier','Dillion','LLC 4'


    insert into Events(EventID, EventName)

    select 159,'Friday Test' union all

    select 160,'Friday 2' union all

    select 161,'Friday 3' union all

    select 162,'May Test'


    insert into Forms(FormID, FormName)

    select 86,'TestForm1' union all

    select 87,'TestForm2' union all

    select 89,'TestForm3'


    insert into FormFields(FieldID, FormID, ReportName)

    select 290,86,'Account 1' union all

    select 291,86,'Account 11' union all

    select 292,86,'Account 2' union all

    select 293,86,'Account 22' union all

    select 294,86,'Account 3' union all

    select 295,86,'Account 33' union all

    select 296,89,'Account 58'


    insert into Responses(EventID, FieldID, UserID, Response)

    -- select 347,925,405,'8555' union all

    select 160,296,405,'Beth Response 1' union all

    select 159,293,405,'6700' union all

    select 159,295,404,'Response 295' union all

    select 159,290,404,'Account A' union all

    select 159,291,404,'This is information A' union all

    select 159,292,404,'Account B' union all

    select 159,293,404,'This is information B' union all

    select 159,294,404,'Account C' union all

    select 160,296,404,'Response 58'


    select 1 as RowNumber

    , 'Item' as RDescr

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Persons.UserId = 404 then Persons.FirstName else null end )

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Persons.UserId = 405 then Persons.FirstName else null end )

    FROM Persons

    where  EXISTS

     (select 1

     from  Responses

     where Responses.UserId  =  Persons.UserId


    union all

    select 2 as RowNumber

    , 'Organization' as RDescr

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Persons.UserId = 404 then Persons.Organization else null end )

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Persons.UserId = 405 then Persons.Organization else null end )

    FROM Persons

    where  EXISTS

     (select 1

     from  Responses

     where Responses.UserId  =  Persons.UserId


    union all

    select 3 as RowNumber

    , 'EventName' as RDescr

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Responses.UserId = 404 then Events.EventName else null end )

    ,  MAX( CASE WHEN Responses.UserId = 405 then Events.EventName else null end )

    FROM Responses

    join Events

     on Events.EventId = Responses.EventId

    The result of the SQL is:

    1 Item           John             Beth

    2 Organization LLC 1            LLC 2

    3 EventName   Friday Test    Friday Test


    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Yeah that would work except.... thanks for replying though.

    As I said - data in DB is dynamic, procedure should not rely on UserID.

    Procedure will only receive 2 parameters - set of EventIDs and FieldIDs. So we can't do CASE WHEN Persons.UserId = 404

  • You want all the users to be presented vertically?

  • Yeah, only users associated with those specific EventIDs and FieldIDs we are passing in should show up.

  • You'd need dynamic sql to create the pivot script... ask Noeld for this, he's much more expert than I am for that type of query, but he's at pass right now so it might take a while.

    Also I'm wondering why you cannot present this group by users like we usually do??

  • Are you looking at throwing 0 - n EventIDs and 0 - n FieldIDs at this one query and returning the data the same as in Carls last post e.g:

    1 Item           John             Beth

    2 Organization LLC 1            LLC 2

    3 EventName   Friday Test    Friday Test

    Any chance someone can do the sql, similar to Carls earlier example but based around a single EventId and a single FieldId. That would take me ages....

    I'm also assuming there must be at least one of each - EventId and FieldId - to work with.


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Hi,

    quoteYou want all the users to be presented vertically?

    Yeah, only users associated with those specific EventIDs and FieldIDs we are passing in should show up.

    Just because you only want users with the specific EventIDs and FieldIDs that are passed in, showing up - doesn't necessarily mean you need the data pesented vertically. What reason is there for presenting the data vertically?

    Told you that bit would take me too long

    Here is a rough and ready solution that brings back the same info as in Carls earlier post - just horizontally instead of vertically.....

    Add to / remove from the SQL to suit your own needs.

    Two parts to this answer ('cos it was as easy to use List to Table functionality from an existing sproc  ).

    First section SQL - Copy into QA:


    --Works on the Tables and Data created from Carls earlier posting:-

    -- Events , Forms , FormFields , Persons , Responses

    DECLARE @InputEventIDs VARCHAR(4000)--Delimited between each EventID by |

    DECLARE @InputFieldIDs VARCHAR(4000)--Delimited between each FieldID by |



    DECLARE @EventIDs VARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @FieldIDs VARCHAR(4000)

    DECLARE @SQLSelectFrom VARCHAR(4000)



    --Test Data - bin this section when sproc created

    SET @InputEventIDs = '159|160'

    SET @InputFieldIDs = '290|291|292'

    --Use @InputEventIDs and @InputFieldIDs as Input Variable


    --Create Temporary tables to hold the Event and Field ID's

    CREATE TABLE #tblEventIds ([PK] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, colEventIds INT NOT NULL)

    CREATE TABLE #tblFieldIds ([PK] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL, colFieldIds INT NOT NULL)

    --Use the List To Table Sproc to break down the list of ID's into the relevant tables

    EXEC p_ListToTable @InputEventIDs, '|', '#tblEventIds', 'colEventIds'

    EXEC p_ListToTable @InputFieldIDs, '|', '#tblFieldIds', 'colFieldIds'

    --The Select statement doesn't need to be dynamic, so we can hard code most of it into the first variable

    SET @SQLSelectFrom = 'SELECT Events.EventID, Responses.FieldID, Persons.FirstName, Persons.Organization,


          FROM   Events INNER JOIN

                 Responses ON Events.EventID = Responses.EventID INNER JOIN

                        FormFields ON Responses.FieldID = FormFields.FieldID INNER JOIN

                        Forms ON FormFields.FormID = Forms.FormID INNER JOIN

                        Persons ON Responses.UserID = Persons.UserID'

    --Code the first part of the WHERE clause

    SET @SQLWhere = ' WHERE (Events.EventID IN ('

    --Get a start and end point for the EventID loop

    SET @ID = (SELECT MIN(colEventIds) FROM #tblEventIds)

    SET @MaxID = (SELECT MAX(colEventIds) FROM #tblEventIds)

    --Run from the smallest EventID to the largest (inclusive)

    While @ID <= @MaxID


     --Build up the WHERE clause with each EventID

     SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + '''' + CAST(@ID AS VARCHAR(4)) + ''''

     SET @ID = (SELECT MIN(colEventIds) FROM #tblEventIds WHERE colEventIds > @ID)

     --Check if it's the last one. If not - add a comma between values for the IN comparison

     IF @ID <= @MaxID


      SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + ', '



    --Set the WHERE clause up for the FieldID's

    SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + ')) AND (Responses.FieldID IN ('

    --Get a start and end point for the FieldID loop

    SET @ID = (SELECT MIN(colFieldIds) FROM #tblFieldIds)

    SET @MaxID = (SELECT MAX(colFieldIds) FROM #tblFieldIds)

    --Run from the smallest FieldID to the largest (inclusive)

    While @ID <= @MaxID


     --Build up the rest of the WHERE clause with each FieldID

     SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + '''' + CAST(@ID AS VARCHAR(4)) + ''''

     SET @ID = (SELECT MIN(colFieldIds) FROM #tblFieldIds WHERE colFieldIds > @ID)

     --Check if it's the last one. If not - add a comma between values for the IN comparison

     IF @ID <= @MaxID


      SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + ', '



    --Finish off the WHERE clause

    SET @SQLWhere = @SQLWhere + '))'

    --Bin the Temporary tables

    DROP TABLE #tblEventIds

    DROP TABLE #tblFieldIds

    --And Finally - Execute the satement

    EXEC (@SQLSelectFrom + @SQLWhere)


    Second bit - Copy and create this sproc in the database.




          Takes in a list of values in a string, a delimiting character, a table name and a column name and seperates the values

      based around the delimiting character


      @vcList   - List of values, delimited by @vcDelimiter

      @vcDelimiter  - Delimiting character

      @TableName  - Name of Table to pass seperated values into

      @ColumnName  - Names of Column to pass seperated values into




    CREATE PROCEDURE [p_ListToTable]

     @vcList  VARCHAR(8000),

     @vcDelimiter VARCHAR(8000),

     @TableName   SYSNAME,

     @ColumnName SYSNAME



     DECLARE @iPosStart INT,

      @iPosEnd INT,

      @iLenDelim INT,

      @iExit  INT,

      @vcStr  varchar(8000),

      @vcSql  varchar(8000)

     SET @iPosStart = 1

     SET @iPosEnd = 1

     SET @iLenDelim = LEN(@vcDelimiter)

     SET @vcSql = 'INSERT ' + @TableName + ' (' + @ColumnName + ') VALUES ('''

     SET @iExit = 0

     WHILE @iExit = 0


      SET @iPosEnd = CHARINDEX(@vcDelimiter, @vcList, @iPosStart)

      IF @iPosEnd <= 0


       SET @iPosEnd = LEN(@vcList) + 1

       SET @iExit = 1


      SET @vcStr = SUBSTRING(@vcList, @iPosStart, @iPosEnd - @iPosStart)

      EXEC(@vcSql + @vcStr + ''')')

      SET @iPosStart = @iPosEnd + @iLenDelim


     RETURN 0



    I always prefered to be Horizontal instead of Vertical anyway..

    Still can't believe Remi advocated the use of Dynamic SQL, you are honoured....

    Have a good weekend all - above all

    Have Fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • I said it would be better to present it horizontally as we always do, and that to make it happen vertically you'd have to use dynamic sql... please also note that I not spent another minute on this problem .

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