Help with PIVOT!

  • Hi,

    Been a while since I have visited here. I have got a query which gives me a result set shown below.


    1Mail In 2010-08-16MON 540

    1Mail In 2010-08-17TUE 576

    1Mail In 2010-08-18WED 480

    1Mail In 2010-08-19THU 198

    1Mail In 2010-08-20FRI 510

    1Mail In 2010-09-20TODAY265

    2Mail Out 2010-08-16MON 348

    2Mail Out 2010-08-17TUE 282

    2Mail Out 2010-08-18WED 462

    2Mail Out 2010-08-19THU 384

    2Mail Out 2010-08-20FRI 72

    2Mail Out 2010-09-20TODAY307

    How do I PIVOT it to get a final result set shown below?


    Mail In 540 576 480 198 510 265 2304 460.8

    Mail Out 348 282 462 384 72 307 1548 309.6

    Any help would be appreciated. Just to clarify, "Mail In" and "Mail Out" are just examples, there are more than 10 categories but I didn't feel it was necessary to post all categories and thus making this too long to use.

    Kindest Regards,



    Kindest Regards,


  • Any chance you can post the original query?

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Sure. I am not sure if this is what you want but here you go.

    WITH Rolling5Summary(MatrixOrder, MatrixName, OriginalDate, [DayOfWeek], TotalCount)



    SELECTCASE keyMatrix

    WHEN 'E4B59C9E-FE52-4038-A08B-1BF5958FFB89' THEN 1

    WHEN '6FD750DC-128D-4440-ADAE-695927C1C2E9' THEN 2

    END AS [MatrixOrder],

    CASE keyMatrix

    WHEN 'E4B59C9E-FE52-4038-A08B-1BF5958FFB89' THEN 'Mail In'

    WHEN '6FD750DC-128D-4440-ADAE-695927C1C2E9' THEN 'Mail Out'

    END AS [MatrixName],

    kpiDate AS OriginalDate,


    WHEN kpiDate < @Today THEN UPPER(LEFT(DATENAME(WEEKDAY, kpiDate), 3))

    WHEN kpiDate = @Today THEN 'TODAY'

    END AS [DayOfWeek],

    SUM(kpiCount) AS [TotalCount]

    FROM kpiData

    WHERE keySite = @Site

    AND (kpiDate >= @Rolling10StartDate AND kpiDate < @Rolling5EndDate OR kpiDate = @Today)

    AND kpiBalancing = 0

    AND keyMatrix IN ('E4B59C9E-FE52-4038-A08B-1BF5958FFB89', '6FD750DC-128D-4440-ADAE-695927C1C2E9')

    GROUP BY keyMatrix, kpiDate

    I am trying to do PIVOT like this but I get syntex error.

    SELECT MatrixName, [MON] AS 'MON', [TUE] AS 'TUE', [WED] AS 'WED', [THU] AS 'THU', [FRI] AS 'FRI', [TODAY] AS 'TODAY'

    FROM (SELECT MatrixName, [DayOfWeek], TotalCount FROM Rolling5Summary)




    FOR [DayOfWeek] IN ([MON], [TUE], [WED], [THU], [FRI], [TODAY])

    ) AS Rolling5SummaryPivot

    Ideally I don't want a MIN or MAX or SUM but I want the original TotalCount values.

    Kindest Regards,


  • I felt nice... and yes, that's what I was looking for. 🙂

    CREATE TABLE #Rolling5Summary








    INSERT INTO #Rolling5Summary

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '08/16/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'MON', 540 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '08/17/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'TUE', 576 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '08/18/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'WED', 480 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '08/19/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'THU', 198 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '08/20/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'FRI', 510 UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,'Mail In',CAST( '09/20/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'TODAY', 265 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '08/16/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'MON', 348 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '08/17/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'TUE', 282 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '08/18/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'WED', 462 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '08/19/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'THU', 384 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '08/20/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'FRI', 72 UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,'Mail Out',CAST( '09/20/2010' AS DATETIME ), 'TODAY', 307

    Get back to you on the rest soonish.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks Craig.

    I am also looking and searching myself and reading this

    The query below seems to work. I am still working on the TOTAL and AVERAGE columns.

    SELECT MatrixName, [MON] AS 'MON', [TUE] AS 'TUE', [WED] AS 'WED', [THU] AS 'THU', [FRI] AS 'FRI', [TODAY] AS 'TODAY'

    FROM (SELECT MatrixOrder, MatrixName, [DayOfWeek], TotalCount FROM Rolling5Summary) AS SourceTable




    FOR [DayOfWeek] IN ([MON], [TUE], [WED], [THU], [FRI], [TODAY])

    ) AS Rolling5SummaryPivot

    ORDER BY MatrixOrder;

    As I mentioned earlier, I am doing MIN(TotalCount) but I am hoping that the uniqueness of the value will be ok.

    Someone, please correct me if I am going on a wrong path.

    Kindest Regards,


  • This isn't pretty, but it works:

    SELECT MatrixName, [MON] AS 'MON', [TUE] AS 'TUE', [WED] AS 'WED', [THU] AS 'THU', [FRI] AS 'FRI', [TODAY] AS 'TODAY'

    , [mon]+[tue]+[wed]+[thu]+[fri]+[today] AS SumCnt, ([mon]+[tue]+[wed]+[thu]+[fri]+[today])/6 AS AvgCnt

    FROM (SELECT MatrixOrder, MatrixName, [DayOfWeek], TotalCount FROM #Rolling5Summary) AS SourceTable



    MIN(TotalCount) -- SUM(TotalCount) works as well.

    FOR [DayOfWeek] IN ([MON], [TUE], [WED], [THU], [FRI], [TODAY])

    ) AS Rolling5SummaryPivot

    ORDER BY MatrixOrder;

    Also, I think your totals/averages were off.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks Craig.

    I have modified it a little. TOTAL needed to be excluding today as it mentions in the column header of the example data in the first post so AVG changes too.

    SELECT MatrixName, [MON] AS 'MON', [TUE] AS 'TUE', [WED] AS 'WED', [THU] AS 'THU', [FRI] AS 'FRI', [TODAY] AS 'TODAY', ([MON] + [TUE] + [WED] + [THU] + [FRI]) AS TOTAL, CAST((CAST(([MON] + [TUE] + [WED] + [THU] + [FRI]) AS DECIMAL) / 5) AS DECIMAL(9, 1)) AS AVERAGE

    FROM (SELECT MatrixOrder, MatrixName, [DayOfWeek], TotalCount FROM Rolling5Summary) AS SourceTable




    FOR [DayOfWeek] IN ([MON], [TUE], [WED], [THU], [FRI], [TODAY])

    ) AS Rolling5SummaryPivot

    ORDER BY MatrixOrder;

    Thanks for the help again.

    Kindest Regards,


  • WRACK (9/20/2010)

    I have modified it a little. TOTAL needed to be excluding today as it mentions in the column header of the example data in the first post so AVG changes too.

    Glad to help, and I must have missed this comment somewhere.

    There's an alternate way to do it, but I don't think you'll get performance bonus from it. It's unioning on the Total and Average rows to the dataset and then pivoting those as well. I usually find math works faster then more rows, but it might be worth a try, especially since you've already built out the CTE.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • How about this :

    Thanks Craig for the wonderful test-setup..




    SET @SQL_CASE_STMT = '' ;

    SET @SQL_FINAL = '' ;

    SET @COLS = '' ;



    + ', SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = ''' + [DayOfWeek] + ''' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [' + [DayOfWeek] + ']'

    + CHAR(10)




    [DayOfWeek] ;


    IF (




    SELECT @SQL_FINAL = ' SELECT MatrixName ' + CHAR(10) + @SQL_CASE_STMT + ' , AVG(1.00 * TotalCount) AverageTotalCount FROM #Rolling5Summary R

    GROUP BY MatrixName' ;



    END ;

  • NP, Coffee, I rarely get a chance to play with pivot so I figured I'd leverage a little MS Excel training. 🙂

    Coffee, the result set I get from that is this:

    SELECT MatrixName

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'FRI' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [FRI]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'MON' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [MON]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'THU' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [THU]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'TODAY' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [TODAY]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'TUE' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [TUE]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'WED' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [WED]

    , AVG(1.00 * TotalCount) AverageTotalCount FROM #Rolling5Summary R

    GROUP BY MatrixName

    So, removing the out of order issues, and to deal with the fact that TODAY shouldn't be in the count... I think this would work a little better: (I also have a thing about dynamic SQL, just bugs me on an instinctual level, dunno why).

    SELECT MatrixName

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'MON' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [MON]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'TUE' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [TUE]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'WED' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [WED]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'THU' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [THU]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'FRI' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [FRI]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN R.[DayOfWeek] = 'TODAY' THEN TotalCount END ) AS [TODAY]

    , SUM( CASE WHEN r.[DayOfWeek] <> 'TODAY' THEN 1.0 * TotalCount ELSE 0 END ) AS SumCnt

    , AVG(CASE WHEN r.[DayOfWeek] <> 'TODAY' THEN 1.0 * TotalCount ELSE 0 END ) AverageTotalCount

    FROM #Rolling5Summary R

    GROUP BY MatrixName

    The only problem with this is the Averages get suckerpunched because of the 'spare' row:

    Mail In5405764801985102652304.0384.000000

    Mail Out 348282462384723071548.0258.000000

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Thanks Craig and ColdCoffee. I will stick to what originally worked a while ago. I have tons of other dashboards to do and I will leave the performance aspect to the DBA. This is a concept project anyways.

    Kindest Regards,


  • WRACK (9/20/2010)

    Thanks Craig and ColdCoffee

    Our pleasure, WRACK..One more thing i want to add is, just look at how Craig set up the base for others to work on with his CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO Statements.. You have provided the visual form of your test sample, but haven't provided them in ready-to-use format.. if u do so, then i can promise you, you will get a lot more tested,optimized and revolutionary codes from our fantastic friends here..

    @Craig, thanks for pointing it up; i initially thot of aligning the column names (in line with the days of the week) , but was busy with something else, so i just threw a pointer to WRACK on dynamic-SQL.. And thanks for pointing the prob that "TOTAL" "spare" rows caused.. Thanks...

  • Point taken mate 🙂

    Next time onwards I will post an insert query to get more answers.

    Kindest Regards,


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