help with multiple instances

  • I need some help configuring a multi-instance box.  I've seen a lot of postings on the subject, but nobody has spelled out exactly what I need to do.

    We are setting up a dev environment to mirror our production environment.  To consolidate hardware, we would like to put 3 SQL instances on a single OS.  This is on a separate network segregated by a firewall with no DNS/WINS routing.

    So I've set it up this way:




    No default (un-named) instance, all specifically named.  Can only connect via IP from outside test network (x.x.x.x\Server1)

    After installation, all 3 ended up defaulting to port 1433.  This is apparently not working, because when trying to connect to them I get "Invalid instance()".

    So- do I need to set these to use 3 different ports?  If I do, I'll probably need to reconfigure the firewall, which we don't want to do if possible.    Why aren't these setting themselves dynamically?

    -would a better solution be to assign 3 different IPs to the server, and create Server aliases for these?  Then they could all use port 1433, as I understand it.

    -Any reason to leave Named Pipes enabled, or not?


    Please help...hopefully we can pull this off without too much hassle.




  • They should have different ports.

    They may not have been automatically assigned, because the first instance wasn't running at the time you installed the second instance etc etc.

    I think you'll find that SP3 removed the ability to disable named pipes. I removed named pipes on an instance before SP3, and had a lot of trouble installing SP3 as a result.

  • I did end up doing multiple ports last night, seems to work fine.  I put together a .reg file so folks here can automatically add the 3 instances' aliases to the Client Network Utility, seems to work great.  Thanks.

  • Some other items to consider ...


    How much memory does your server have ? greater than 4 Gb ?

    If so, then for the server you'll need to decide whether or not to let SQL server and Windows automatically allocate (fight) for their own memory or to use some combination of the boot.ini switches /3GB & /PAE. You'll also need to set some SQL Server options via sp_configure for each SLQ Server instance:

        awe enabled

        min server memory (MB)

        max server memory (MB)


    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • 3.5GB RAM.  I'm really not too worried about it, as this is a dev server.

  • I always specify ports for each instance rather than let them be dymanically determined, hoever that is not necessary.  If you don't have a default instance on the server, the first Named Instance will automatically grab port 1433 and the other instances will be dynamically assigned a port.  That port is communicated back to the client via UDP 1433.   Do you have the UDP port blocked?  That would cause your instances to not be able to respond back.

  • UDP 1433 ?

    or is it UDP 1434 ?

    I'm getting old and cannot remember ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Rudy,

    You're right.  It's UDP port 1434.  I think I'm getting old too!


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