Help with last part of statement

  • I've posted before on this issue, but I'm almost finished now and just need help to finish it off.  Here's my statement;

    SELECT Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU], MAX(cnt) AS mntrvu_mode

      FROM (

             SELECT Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU], count(*) AS cnt

             FROM [2004 Single CPT Inv Summary db]p

             WHERE [MNAllowable per TRVU] is not null and Contract != 'N/A'

             GROUP BY Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU]

           ) AS A

      GROUP BY Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU]


    This is used to figure out the Mode of the [MNAllowable per TRVU].  The result is Div_Cat, Contract, MNAllowable per TRVU, mntrvu_mode.  The results are correct however it is listing all Modes.  I just need to pair this view down to only the Max of the mntrvu_mode not every one.  For example, this current view will result in;



    What I really need is only the first line as the mntrvu_mode has 50 which mean it is the true mode.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  • SELECT Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU], cnt AS mntrvu_mode

      FROM (

             SELECT Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU], count(*) AS cnt

             FROM [2004 Single CPT Inv Summary db]p

             WHERE [MNAllowable per TRVU] is not null and Contract != 'N/A'

             GROUP BY Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU]

           ) AS A

      where cnt=(select max(cnt) from (

             SELECT Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU], count(*) AS cnt

             FROM [2004 Single CPT Inv Summary db]p

             WHERE [MNAllowable per TRVU] is not null and Contract != 'N/A'

             GROUP BY Div_Cat, Contract, [MNAllowable per TRVU]

           ) AS B)

  • Osaba thanks for the response.  However, what I failed to mention is that there are about 20 different Div_Cat and 3 Contracts.  I need the Mode for each of the Div_Cats and accompanying Contract, so it might look like this in the end;







    Hopefully this is a little clearer.





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