Help with Joining Tables to show record for each Period

  • I'm hoping this is the right forum to post this question in.

    I'm trying to create a SQL View which list all records in a table based on another joined table. Sounds simple except here is my problem:

    I have a table with account transactions based on a Period ID (ie: 1=Jan, 2=feb, etc..)

    However not all accounts have a transaction for every period.

    I would like to list all transactions from the table and where there is no transactions for the period I would like a record displayed with 0's for the trx amounts for that account.

    I've created a Period ID table and now I'm trying to figure out how to link this so that I can achieve my results.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  • Can you try ....

    select p.perioidID, isnull(amount,0) from

    Period p left outer join transactions t on p.periodid=t.periodid

    It will be more helpful, if you can provide some sample data.

  • Try:

    CREATE VIEW viewPTrans


    Select PeriodIDs.PerId,


    FROM PeriodIds

    LEFT OUTER JOIN PTransactions ON PeriodIDs.PerID=PTransactions.PerID




  • I posted additional information however it doesn't look like it worked so if I duplicate something it is by accident.

    I tried using the suggested joins however as soon as I added additional fields the results did not return what I was expecting.

    I apologize for the first go round on this question. Below I have tried to clarify my problem a bit more.

    I have 3 tables with the following information:

    TRX table contains:












    Accts Table contains:




    PeriodID Table contains:



    The query results should include the following:













    The results I need are a record for every AcctID in the Accts table for the company for every PeriodID whether there is a record for a particular PeriodID in the TRX table or not.

    For Example if Company ONE has records for every PeriodID except for PeriodID 1 in the TRX table, then I need a record to display for PeriodID 1 as well as the records that exist in the TRX table. The PeriodID record would display blanks for the Strings and Zero's for the Numbers.

    I hope this helps to clarify my question.

    Thanks for all your help, it's greatly appreciated.


  • Cam,

    Consider the following construction : (You may want to copy/paste text between the dashed lines to your SQL Query Analyzer)

    Although this probably returns the results you want, it will not fit into a view ! I use this type of contructs as CommandText in the SelectCommand of a DataAdapter.

    But I have as strong feeling you need this for reporting .... So, a view would indeed be cleaner !

    Forcing it into a view would involve a cross join ("Select * from TRX, Period") to get to the account data. But I am not sure if this is wise : 10,000 transactions within 10 periods leads to 100,000 records that will still need filtering and matching.

    Anyway, have a look at it and if you need more info, do not hesitate.


    Declare @CompanyId as Integer

    Declare @AcctId as Integer

    Set @CompanyId = 99

    Set @AcctId = 88

    Select   Accts.CompanyID












      From Accts

     Join TRX

       On TRX.CompanyID = Accts.CompanyID

      And TRX.AcctID = Accts.AcctID

     Join Period

      On Period.PeriodID = TRX.PeriodID

     Where (Accts.CompanyID = @CompanyId Or @CompanyID Is Null)

       And (Accts.AcctID = @AcctId Or @CompanyID Is Null)


    Select   @CompanyID


     ,(Select AcctString

        From Accts

       Where AcctID = @AcctID

         And CompanyID = @CompanyID) as AcctString


     ,Null as TRXDate

     ,Null as TrxYear

     ,Null as JrnEntry

     ,Null as Reference

     ,Null as SourceDoc

     ,0 as DebitAmt

     ,0 as CreditAmt

     ,0 as BBFAmt

      From  Period

     Where Not Exists

     (Select Null

        From Accts

      Join TRX

        On TRX.CompanyID = Accts.CompanyID

       And TRX.AcctID = Accts.AcctID

       Where TRX.PeriodID = Period.PeriodID

         And (Accts.CompanyID = @CompanyId Or @CompanyID Is Null)

         And (Accts.AcctID = @AcctId Or @CompanyID Is Null))


    Notice that the Key-Issue here is the use of @CompanyID and @AcctID in the

    Select statement following UNION. To my opnion this is the only way to ever be able to return an Account Number : for the simple reason that the info DOES NOT EXIST in the database.

    If it didn't help, I hope it gave you some idea's ....

    Regards, Garry.


  • It think this is your  "viewable" solution ... Again, Copy/Paste into SQL Query Analyzer,

    test it, wrap it up in a "Create View" statement.

    Because of the embedded and expensive cross join, you may want to test it against a LOADED transaction (TRX) table. Looking at the execution plan may help.

    I hope my TableNames/ColumnNames are close to what they should be ...


    Select   Accts.CompanyID












      From Accts

            Join TRX

                    On TRX.CompanyID = Accts.CompanyID

                   And TRX.AcctID = Accts.AcctID

            Join Period

                    On Period.PeriodID = TRX.PeriodID


    Select    CompanyID = UnExisting_TRX.CompanyID

            , AcctID = UnExisting_TRX.AcctID

            , AcctString = (Select AcctString

                              From Accts

                             Where CompanyID = UnExisting_TRX.CompanyID

                               And AcctID = UnExisting_TRX.AcctID)

            , PeriodDescr = (Select PeriodDescr

                               From Period

                              Where PeriodID = UnExisting_Period.PeriodID)

            ,Null as TRXDate

            ,Null as TrxYear

            ,Null as JrnEntry

            ,Null as Reference

            ,Null as SourceDoc

            ,0 as DebitAmt

            ,0 as CreditAmt

            ,0 as BBFAmt

      From TRX as UnExisting_TRX

          ,Period As UnExisting_Period

    Where Not Exists

    (Select *

       From Period As Existing_Period

                    Join TRX as Existing_TRX

                             On Existing_Period.PeriodID = Existing_TRX.PeriodID

      Where Existing_Period.PeriodID  = UnExisting_Period.PeriodID

        And Existing_TRX.CompanyID = UnExisting_TRX.CompanyID

        And Existing_TRX.AcctID    = UnExisting_TRX.AcctID


    Group By UnExisting_TRX.CompanyID, UnExisting_TRX.AcctID, UnExisting_Period.PeriodID


  • Thank you very much for the help, unfortunately it looks like it pulls in some null records but not all.

    Some accounts pull in only a few of the PeriodID's.

    You are correct this is strictly for reporting purposes.

    I believe I need to add a group on TRXYEAR since this a key filtering field. I think I forgot to mention that the records are grouped as follows:

    CompanyID, TrxYear, AcctID, PeriodID

    Therefore I need (if possible) a record for each PeriodID within a year for each AcctID for a specific CompanyID.

    Once again thanks for all the help it's greatly appreciated.



  • I am supprised that the query does not return all of the Null records.

    The attached JPEG shows the tables and their sample content I used while testing, together with the returned resultset.

    Concerning the grouping by Year : you're free to apply whatever "Where/Order By/Group By" clauses to the view once you get it right.

    So, probably the consumer of the view would look somewhat like this :

    Select ....

      From vwCamsPuzzle

     Where CompanyID = 999

    Group By TRXYear, AcctID, PeriodID

    I hope you can comforably look at the attached image ... If not I can eMail it to you.

    Regards and Happy Easter,


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