Help with getting ''DOMAIN\username''

  • I will like to grant a specific database role to all NT users in a database  and give everyone the same  default database  (refreshed weekly.)


    Attempting to avoid repitition since there are so many users

    Better Ideas are  very welcome, but if all you can offer is     a query which returns 'DOMAIN\username' that will be appreciated too.



  • use master

    declare @name varchar(50)

    declare @sqlscript varchar(2000)

    declare name_cursor CURSOR FOR (select [name] into #temp from syslogins where name like '[Domain Name]%')

     open name_cursor

     FETCH NEXT FROM name_Cursor into @name



      set @sqlscript='EXEC sp_defaultdb '+@name+', ''[DB NAME]'''

      exec (@sqlscript)

      FETCH NEXT FROM name_Cursor into @name



    CLOSE name_Cursor

    DEALLOCATE nameCursor


    drop table #temp

  • Better mousetrap.  Create an NT group (Windows or Active Directory).  Assign ALL users that can get to the system to that group.

    This way you already know the group and can assign permissions to 1 item....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

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