Help with Enteriprise slow?

  • I know when we open data from Enterperise Manager select table then click return all data, will open cursor and it is slow then run query from QA, but our developer complain slow using both two EM compare one local server (same location with workstation and small size server) to the other server cluster server which in other place, but we have 4 t1 connection, and when they compare slow we ask check pipe only half full, should return around same time, but really slow difference around 8 seconds, so my question cause this slow is really distince?


  • Are you saying EM is slower than QA?

    Does 8 seconds really matter? I'm sure you'd like an answer, but I don't have one. At times EM is slower or faster here, but generally it isn't enough to worry about.

  • My question is not EM slower than QA, I am asking if distince from server cause developver access same data is slow one server than the other server, (we restore the same db on the other server), and ask they had slow processes they using this as one method showing me compare two server why our cluster server(4 T1 connections located in long distance)?



  • Distance will add latency. Usually its not too noticeable, but if you've got a small pipe, lots of errors, etc, it could add up. I ran remote users from Iowa to Florida, there was enough cumulative lag to make it noticeable with the setup we had, moved to a local replicated copy (plus allowed the site to work if link dropped).

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