Help with dynamic sql

  • Hi All ,

    I need a dynamic sql query (db is sql server 2000) which assigns a value = 1 to a user variable if a column is null in a table as listed below:

    Declare @i INT

    Select @i = 1 From Production.Product Where Color Is Null

    Print @I

    I need to rewrite the sql statement using the dynamic sql. Can I use sp_executesql for it?

    Thank You.

  • I'm guessing that you can, as long as you include the keyword 'OUTPUT' in all the appropriate places. This snipped returned 123 as a result of the final select statement. Strictly speaking however, @I 's scope is limitted to the scope defined by sp_executesql, but the OUTPUT clause lets you pass results back to the scope that executed the sp_executesql.

    DECLARE @test1 NVARCHAR(500)

    DECLARE @params NVARCHAR(500)


    SET @test1 = 'Select @I = 123'

    SET @params = '@I INT OUTPUT'

    SELECT @test1

    EXEC sp_executesql @test1, @params, @I_OUT OUTPUT


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