Help with difficult Query



    I want to find out how much time was between the time given and the time between every half an hour time slots.

    For example if i have a time of

    11:30:04 this would fall into the time slot of 11:30 - 12:00 and the time used within that time slot was 4 seconds.

    Another example would be a give time of  08:52:04 this would fall into the time slot of 08:30 - 09:00 and the time used within that time slot was 22 mins 4 seconds. 


    Now things get a bit tricky what if my 22 mins 4 seconds span over 2 time slots as couldd any time..

    Example start time was 08:20 End time was 08:42.

    So the first 10 mins was in the time slot of 08:00 to 08:30

    and the next 12 mins was in the time slot of 08:30 to 09:00

    I have a table that hold time slots they go up in 30 mins starting form 06:00 am to 18:00pm








    Has anyone any ideas now how best to aproach this..

  • It would help us if you could post the tables definition, sample data and required output from that data!!

  • Francis

    You don't say what you want to do with the data when you get it, so I have assumed you want to add the number of seconds in each half-hour period into an existing table.  You can add computed columns to break down the seconds into hours, minutes and seconds if you need to.  This is a crude attempt and may need refining if you need to deal in fractions of a second.

    --Create the table

    CREATE TABLE #times (PeriodStarts datetimeSeconds INT)

    --Populate the table with half-hour periods.

    --Each time represents the time the period starts

    INSERT INTO #times 

    SELECT DATEADD (minumber 30'2006-09-06 06:00:00.000'), 0

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values

    WHERE name IS NULL

     AND number 25

    --Verify that everything looks OK

    SELECT FROM #times


    --Create proc that will break down given time intervals

    --into the seconds in each period


     @StartTime datetime,

     @EndTime datetime


    UPDATE #times

     SET Seconds Seconds +


                             WHEN @StartTime PeriodStarts

                               THEN 1800 DATEDIFF (sPeriodStarts@StartTime)

                             WHEN DATEDIFF (sPeriodStarts@EndTime) < 1800

                               THEN DATEDIFF (sPeriodStarts@EndTime)

                             ELSE 1800


    WHERE PeriodStarts >= DATEADD(mi, -30@StartTime)

      AND PeriodStarts @EndTime

    --Test it out

    EXEC AddSeconds '2006-09-06 09:10:03.000''2006-09-06 11:13:21.000'

    SELECT FROM #times


  • Francis,

    Here a query that might help you.

    1.Create a Timeslot table(It Could be Temp Table as well)

    Create table TimeSlot(

     dt_TimeSlotBegin Datetime,

     dt_TimeSlotEnd Datetime)

    2.Load the Timeslot table. This table will be used to identify the slot.

    Declare @dt_Time datetime

    Set @dt_Time ='00:00:01'

    while(DateDiff(d,@dt_Time,DateAdd(s,1799,@dt_Time))) < 1


     Insert into TimeSlot(dt_TimeSlotBegin,dt_TimeSlotEnd)

      select @dt_Time,DateAdd(s,1799,@dt_Time)

     set @dt_Time = DateAdd(mi,30,@dt_Time)



    Insert into TimeSlot(dt_TimeSlotBegin,dt_TimeSlotEnd)

     select @dt_Time,DateAdd(s,1799,@dt_Time)

    3.Query to get the Data:

    Declare @dt_ProcessBeginTime datetime,@dt_ProcessEndTime datetime,

     @dt_MinSlot Datetime,

     @dt_MaxSlot Datetime

    Set @dt_ProcessBeginTime ='1/1/2000 08:10:00'

    Set @dt_ProcessEndTime ='1/1/2000 10:15:00'


    select @dt_MinSlot = dt_TimeSlotBegin from TimeSlot where dt_TimeSlotBegin <= Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessBeginTime,108) order by dt_TimeSlotBegin Desc


    select @dt_MaxSlot = dt_TimeSlotEnd from TimeSlot where dt_TimeSlotEnd >= Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessEndTime,108) order by dt_TimeSlotBegin asc

    select @dt_MinSlot as MinSlot,@dt_MaxSlot as MaxSlot


    select * ,@dt_ProcessBeginTime as 'ProcessBegin',@dt_ProcessEndTime as 'ProcessEnd',--DateDiff(mi,Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessBeginTime,108) as datetime),dt_TimeSlotEnd),

     Case  when DateDiff(mi,@dt_ProcessBeginTime,@dt_ProcessEndTime) < 30 Then DateDiff(mi,@dt_ProcessBeginTime,@dt_ProcessEndTime)


       Case  when Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessBeginTime,108) as datetime) between dt_TimeSlotBegin and dt_TimeSlotEnd Then DateDiff(mi,Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessBeginTime,108) as datetime),Cast(Convert(Char(8),dt_TimeSlotEnd,108) as datetime))

        when Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessEndTime,108) as datetime) between dt_TimeSlotBegin and dt_TimeSlotEnd Then DateDiff(mi,Cast(Convert(Char(8),dt_TimeSlotBegin,108) as datetime),Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessEndTime,108) as datetime))

        Else 30 End

      End as Mins

    from TimeSlot where dt_TimeSlotBegin >= @dt_MinSlot and dt_TimeSlotEnd <= @dt_MaxSlot

    Hope this helps.



  • try this query, it will give desired output for all possible inputs

    here I used Sreejith's table def

    Declare @dt_ProcessBeginTime datetime,@dt_ProcessEndTime datetime,

    @dt_MinSlot Datetime,

    @dt_MaxSlot Datetime

    Set @dt_ProcessBeginTime ='1/1/2000 09:10:00'

    Set @dt_ProcessEndTime ='1/1/2000 09:35:00'

    select * ,@dt_ProcessBeginTime as 'ProcessBegin',@dt_ProcessEndTime as 'ProcessEnd',--DateDiff(mi,Cast(Convert(Char(8),@dt_ProcessBeginTime,108) as datetime),dt_TimeSlotEnd),

    Case when DateDiff(mi,@dt_ProcessBeginTime,@dt_ProcessEndTime) = @dt_MinSlot and dt_TimeSlotEnd <= @dt_MaxSlot

  • Probably this may help:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'TimeSlotStart')

     DROP FUNCTION TimeSlotStart



     (@CurrentTime datetime, @SlotDuration datetime)

    RETURNS datetime



    DECLARE @HH float

    select @HH = cast(@SlotDuration as float)

     RETURN CAST(FLOOR(cast(@CurrentTime as float)/@HH)*@HH as smalldatetime)



    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'TimeSlotEnd')

     DROP FUNCTION TimeSlotEnd



     (@CurrentTime datetime, @SlotDuration datetime)

    RETURNS datetime



    DECLARE @HH float

    select @HH = cast(@SlotDuration as float)

     RETURN CAST(CEILING(cast(@CurrentTime as float)/@HH)*@HH as smalldatetime)



    SELECT dbo.TimeSlotSTART ('11:40', '0:30'), dbo.TimeSlotEnd ('11:40', '0:30')


    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hi guys.

    Thanks very much for your help with this, i would have found it very dificult to figure out on my own.

    I've one last question, my table detials are as follows

    These are the values i will be pluging into the PROCEDURE AddSeconds  @StartTime datetime,

     @EndTime datetime

    So what i did was update my  table and create 2 new columns of datatype datetime and that mean i have now the format in datetime,

    But when i plug my 2 columns into the procedure i get a error "Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime."

     [idle_duration] [decimal](18, 6) NULL ,

     [idle_time] [decimal](24, 6) NULL ,


    Here is the code.


    drop table #times

    drop table #temp_Metrics_asp

    drop PROCEDURE AddSeconds

    -- temp table

    create table #temp_Metrics_asp


     Start_Time datetime,

     End_Time datetime


    insert into #temp_Metrics_asp( Start_Time,End_Time)

    select mt.New_idle_Time, -- datatype is decimal

     mt.New_idle_duration -- datatype is decimal

    from tbl_metrics_asp_test mt

    --Create the table

    CREATE TABLE #times (PeriodStarts datetime, Seconds INT)

    --Populate the table with half-hour periods.

    --Each time represents the time the period starts

    INSERT INTO #times 

    SELECT DATEADD (mi, number * 30, '2006-09-06 06:00:00.000'), 0

    FROM master.dbo.spt_values

    WHERE name IS NULL

     AND number < 25

    --Verify that everything looks OK

    SELECT * FROM #times


    --Create proc that will break down given time intervals

    --into the seconds in each period


     @StartTime datetime,

     @EndTime datetime


    UPDATE #times

     SET Seconds = Seconds +


                             WHEN @StartTime > PeriodStarts

                               THEN 1800 - DATEDIFF (s, PeriodStarts, @StartTime)

                             WHEN DATEDIFF (s, PeriodStarts, @EndTime) < 1800

                               THEN DATEDIFF (s, PeriodStarts, @EndTime)

                             ELSE 1800


    WHERE PeriodStarts >= DATEADD(mi, -30, @StartTime)

      AND PeriodStarts < @EndTime

    --Test it out

    --EXEC AddSeconds '2006-09-06 09:10:03.000', '2006-09-06 11:13:21.000'

    --SELECT * FROM #times

    --Test it out   

    EXEC AddSeconds Start_Time,End_Time  -- plug values of table into procedure

    SELECT * FROM #times


  • What sort of information is in the idle_time and idle_duration columns?  Is it a number of seconds, or is it a decimal number that represents the number of days... or is it something else?


  • Hi  John,

    Here is a sample data whats in each column

    idle_duration  .000763

    idle_time        .479976

    When i create a new column based on this data it formats into a normal datetime data type. As that what i've set the new columns to be

    I would say its the decimal number that represents the number of mintues seconds etc...  becuase the date part is set to "1900-01-01"

    Here is a sample after converting to datetime

    "1900-01-01 11:31:09.923"




  • Would this work, then?

    INSERT INTO #temp_Metrics_aspStart_Time,End_Time)

    SELECT CAST (mt.New_idle_Time AS datetime), -- datatype is decimal

     CAST (mt.New_idle_duration AS datetime-- datatype is decimal

    FROM tbl_metrics_asp_test mt


  • I tried that, and it does not work, your call to the procedure takes in date like a string,

    EXEC AddSeconds '2006-09-06 09:10:03.000', '2006-09-06 11:13:21.000' 

    But you've defined these as datetime

    CREATE PROCEDURE AddSeconds  @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime

    Its strange when i plug the values from the table which are datetime also, they don't work.


  • SQL Server implicitly converts the string into a datetime value.

    If you are trying to plug in the values in the way you show in your "Test it out" section, then it will fail.  You either need to use dynamic SQL and some kind of loop or, better still, change the stored procedure so that it does it all for you in a set-based operation.  Something like this (not tested):



    UPDATE #times t

     SET t.Seconds t.Seconds 


                             WHEN n.New_idle_Time t.PeriodStarts 

                               THEN 1800 DATEDIFF (st.PeriodStartsn.New_idle_Time

                             WHEN DATEDIFF (st.PeriodStartsn.New_idle_duration ) < 1800 

                               THEN DATEDIFF (st.PeriodStartsn.New_idle_duration

                             ELSE 1800 


    FROM tbl_metrics_asp_test n

    WHERE t.PeriodStarts >= DATEADD(mi, -30n.New_idle_Time

      AND t.PeriodStarts n.New_idle_duration


    Note that the procedure no longer takes any parameters since it is updating the #times table with values from tbl_metrics_asp_test.  You do not need to create the #temp_Metrics_asp table either if you do it this way.  If SQL Server sill has difficulty with implicit conversions then you will need to wrap every New_idle_Time/duration in a CAST statement.

    By the way, if your columns are meaningfully named, then they won't map directly to a start time and an end time.  To get the end time, you will need something like DATEADD(DAYNew_idle_durationNew_idle_time)

    Hope that helps (and works!)


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