Help with COUNT

  • Goal: To determine how many (COUNT) work orders have a single endpoint?  How many orders have multiple endpoints?

    Background:  A WorkOrder has a single endpoint if it only has one unique JobNumber.  (Like WorkOrders 1, 2, & 5)

    [RealWorld example: A single drive (WorkOrder) from A to B(JobNumber) may involve many gas stops (StopNumber),

    but B is the true single destination (endpoint).]

    A WorkOrder has multiple endpoints if it has more than one JobNumber. (Like WorkOrders 3 & 4)

    [RealWorld Example: A pizza delivery driver that delivers only one pizza at a time.

    There is one bill (WorkOrder) for two pizzas (JobNumber)and the pizzas are to be delivered on different days (StopNumber)]

    A WorkOrder may appear more than once. 

    The JobNumber is unique to the table but may appear more than once for a specific WorkOrder.

    The StopNumber is sequential.

    CREATE TABLE #TestTable (

      ID int IDENTITY (1,1),

      WorkOrder int,

      JobNumber int,

      StopNumber int)

    INSERT  #TestTable

    --Examples of Single endpoints

    SELECT 1, 2, 1


    SELECT 1, 2, 2


    SELECT 1, 2, 3


    SELECT  2, 5, 1


    SELECT  2, 5, 2


    SELECT 5, 1, 1


    --Examples of Multiple endpoints

    SELECT  3, 6, 1


    SELECT 3, 7, 1


    SELECT 3, 8, 1


    SELECT 4, 9, 1


    SELECT  4, 10, 1

    Answer should be 3 workorders with a single endpoint, and 2 workorders with multiple endpoints

  • In your simple table this should provide the results you need.  Maybe somebody has a more elegant solution.



    'One EndPoint', COUNT(WorkOrder)

    FROM (

       SELECT WorkOrder, COUNT(DISTINCT JobNumber) AS JobNumberCount

       FROM #TestTable

       GROUP BY WorkOrder

       ) as tbl

    WHERE JobNumberCount = 1


    SELECT '2+ EndPoint', COUNT(WorkOrder)

    FROM (

       SELECT WorkOrder, COUNT(DISTINCT JobNumber) AS JobNumberCount

       FROM #TestTable

       GROUP BY WorkOrder

       ) as tbl

    WHERE JobNumberCount > 1

  • Similar to Mike's:

    select count(*) from (

    select WorkOrder from #TestTable group by WorkOrder having count(distinct JobNumber)=1

    ) as [single_ep]

    union all...

  • Thank you both!!!

  • Little late, but...

    here's another approach comparing min and max values...

    SELECT CASE WHEN MIN_JobNumber = MAX_JobNumber THEN 'One EndPoint' ELSE '2+ EndPoint' END, SUM(x)

    FROM (SELECT 1 x, MIN(JobNumber) MIN_JobNumber, MAX(JobNumber) MAX_JobNumber FROM #TestTable GROUP BY WorkOrder) D

    GROUP BY CASE WHEN MIN_JobNumber = MAX_JobNumber THEN 'One EndPoint' ELSE '2+ EndPoint' END

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