Help with Correlated Subquery

  • I have a qeury which pulls all customers with duplicate addresses and displays a concatenated, comma delimited list of those customers last names at that address.  It successfully uses a UDF to do it.  Is it possible to do the same thing with a correlated subquery instead of the UDF?  Here are the query and function.

    select count(CustomerId) as CustId, PropertyAddress1 as Address,

           dbo.GetCustomerNamesConcat(PropertyAddress1) as LastNames

    from Customers

    group by PropertyAddress1

    having count(CustomerId) > 1

    CREATE FUNCTION GetCustomerNamesConcatByAddress (@address varchar(50))

    RETURNS varchar(150)



    DECLARE @lastnames varchar(500), @delimiter char

    SET @delimiter = ','

    SELECT @lastnames = COALESCE(@lastnames + @delimiter, '') + ci.CustomerLastName

     from Customers ci where PropertyAddress1 = @address



    Thank you for any help you can give.


  • There is no aggregate function provided by SQL Server that would concatenate the fields, so you will not be able to do this with a correlated subquery. Basically for every row in a single group that has the same PropertyAddress1 you will need to reduce the result to a single filed. Aggregates, like COUNT, SUM, STDEV, do this. Note that aggregates should be deterministic, their input is a set, and sets are not ordered. In your example the function reduces a certain number of rows into filed, but its input depends on the order of the internal select statement. The result may be different after you add data to your table. I.e. you may get once the result 'Jones,Smith,Wood', another time 'Wood,Jones,Smith'. This nondeterminism is basically the reason for the lack of a concatenation aggregator.

    What you can do, is to use CLR. You can write a CLR Aggregator that can concatenate the items for you. This would behave similarly to the COUNT aggregator you are already using.

    Note, that you could make your aggregation deterministic by specifying ordering in the user defined function you are using. However, if you decide to use a CLR aggregator, you will not be able to do this, and the result will, as it does now, depend on the query optimizer and the physical location of your data.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Thank you very much for your reply.  The explanation helps.  I knew that there wasn't a concatenating aggregate, which is why I wrote the function, but I thought that I might be able to combine them into a single query.  Perhaps the fact that I had to use a variable in the query made that impossible.  Thanks for the info about CLR.  I'll think that I'll stick with my function for now.



  • If you are using SQL Server 2005, using FOR XML PATH is faster


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  • Peter's solution is indeed impressive. It does seem to be faster, and unlike the CLR solution, but like the user defined function, it allows ordering the items that are to be concatenated, and can remove duplicates.



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Thanks!  FOR XML PATH is exactly what I was looking for.  Here is the new solution using FOR XML PATH rather than the user defined function.

    select count(CustomerId) as Number, PropertyAddress1 as Address,


             select ',' + c.CustomerLastName

             from Customers c

             where c.PropertyAddress1 = Customers.PropertyAddress1

             for xml path('')

          ),1,1,'') as CustList

    from Customers

    group by PropertyAddress1

    having count(CustomerId) > 1



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