Help with concatenating row values

  • Hi,

    I have requirement to concatenate row values and was able to achieve using codeplex-groupconcat, but also need to have a same concat row to displayed as another column with just one row value.



    ID INT

    ,Tasks VARCHAR(MAX)

    ,Preference int




    SELECT 600 ,'Task1' ,1

    UNION SELECT 600 ,'Task2' ,2

    UNION SELECT 600 ,'Task3' ,3

    UNION SELECT 700 ,'Task1' ,2

    UNION SELECT 700 ,'Task2' ,3

    SELECT ID ,DBO.GROUP_CONCAT(Tasks) as tasks from #Demo

    group by id




    But I would also need to display another column like as Perferencetask, which is the first task for the ID.

    IDtasks Perferencetask

    600Task1,Task2,Task3 Task1

    700Task1,Task2 Task1

    Can anyone suggest a better way without a performance issues?

  • You can get the entire list of "preferred" tasks as follows:

    SELECT ID, Task

    FROM Tasks

    WHERE Preference = 1

    You could use that query as a CTE and then JOIN to it in your existing query.

  • select


    (select top (1) t.Tasks from dbo.Task t where t.ID = tsk.ID and t.preference = min(tsk.Preference)) as [Preference Task],


    select ', ' + t.Tasks as [text()]

    from dbo.Task t

    where t.ID = tsk.ID

    order by t.Preference

    for xml path(''), type

    ).value('.','varchar(max)'), 1, 2, '') as Tasks

    from dbo.Task tsk

    group by


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