Help with a query / view

  • Hi all and thanks for the assistance ...

    I'm trying to (logically) combine to tables for a total inventory count, then subtract items from a third table.

    I UNION two tables as such:

    /* Inventory Purchased Afloat */

    SELECTunitQty AS qtyIn, POLineID

    FROM dbo.tblPOLine AS po

    WHERE (locationID = 6)


    /* Inventory Purchased At Orgin Shipped */

    SELECT tr.qty AS qtyIn, tr.POLineID

    FROM dbo.tblTRLine AS tr LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.tblTRLedger AS trL ON tr.TRLedgerID = trL.TRLedgerID

    WHERE (trL.locationID = 6)

    that code works well and I get the proper totals per POLineID.

    I have the table that I should use for subtracting as

    /* All Landed Inventory */

    SELECT tr.POLineID, SUM(tr.qty) AS qtyOut

    FROM dbo.tblTRLine AS tr LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.tblTRLedger AS trL

    ON tr.TRLedgerID = trL.TRLedgerID

    WHERE (trL.locationID = 3) OR (trL.locationID = 4)

    GROUP BY tr.POLineID

    this always works on its own properly grouping by POLineID

    Now I want to take the qtyIN - qtyOut for a total result. What I'm doing (full code) is:


    /******* Inventory Afloat *******/


    /* */

    /* */

    /* Inventory Purchased Afloat */


    WITH InvAtSea AS


    /* Inventory Purchased Afloat */

    SELECTunitQty AS qtyIn, POLineID

    FROM dbo.tblPOLine AS po

    WHERE (locationID = 6)


    /* Inventory Purchased At Orgin Shipped */

    SELECT tr.qty AS qtyIn, tr.POLineID

    FROM dbo.tblTRLine AS tr LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.tblTRLedger AS trL ON tr.TRLedgerID = trL.TRLedgerID

    WHERE (trL.locationID = 6)


    /* All Landed Inventory */

    InvLanded AS


    SELECT tr.POLineID, SUM(tr.qty) AS qtyOut

    FROM dbo.tblTRLine AS tr LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.tblTRLedger AS trL

    ON tr.TRLedgerID = trL.TRLedgerID

    WHERE (trL.locationID = 3) OR (trL.locationID = 4)

    GROUP BY tr.POLineID


    SELECT ino.qtyIn - ISNULL(out.qtyOut, 0) as qtyAtSea

    FROMInvAtSea AS ino


    InvLanded AS out

    ON ino.POLineID = out.POLineID

    but the results don't work.

    It is applying the subtraction multiple times, not on the aggregate results.

    Can you tell me what I'm missing?

    Many thanks,


  • I guess you're missing the "aggregated result" you mentioned in your comment.

    There's not much more to say unless we have table def and sample data for the tables involved together with your expected result. Please see the first link in my signature on how to provide those data in a ready to use format.

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