Help with a cursor

  • Hi there, I am using the following Cursor in order to populate multiple tables.


    This script populates the following tables in Cx. They are listed in the order that they import.




    Import Referance


    --Cursor Variables

    --DECLARE @SourceRef as varchar (50)

    DECLARE @AssetReference as varchar (50)

    DECLARE @AssetType as int

    DECLARE @AssetDescription as varchar (200)

    DECLARE @GeoLocation as varchar (500)

    DECLARE @ActualHandOverDate as datetime

    DECLARE @ConstructionDate as datetime

    DECLARE @LocalAuthority int

    DECLARE @County as int

    DECLARE @Base1999Valuation as decimal (18,2)

    DECLARE @NumberofBedrooms as int

    DECLARE @ClassificationType as int

    DECLARE @CategoryType as int

    DECLARE @Address as int

    DECLARE @Country as int

    DECLARE @FloorSpace as int

    DECLARE @RTB as bit

    DECLARE @RTA as bit

    --Variable used for Scope_Identity

    DECLARE @ID as int


    --For each rown that is returned in the below select statement will be imported into each table that is called in the below cursor.





    ,CONVERT (date,a.HandoverDate) as HandoverDate

    ,CONVERT(date,a.ConstructionDate) as ConstructionDate

    ,l1.LookupReference as LocalAuthority

    ,l2.LookupReference as County



    ,l3.LookupReference as ClassificationType

    ,l4.LookupReference as CategoryType

    ,ir1.EntityID as [address]

    ,sl1.LookupReference as Country




    FROM DataLoad..Asset a

    left join AssetType at on at.Description = a.AssetType

    left join DataLoad..Address ad on ad.addressid = a.AddressID

    left join Lookup l1 on l1.[Description] = a.[LocalAuthority] and l1.LookupTypeId = 55

    left join Lookup l2 on l2.[Description] = ad.[County] and l2.LookupTypeId = 64

    left join Lookup l3 on l3.[Description] = a.[ClassificationType] and l3.LookupTypeId=22

    left join Lookup l4 on l4.[Description] = a.[CategoryType] and l4.LookupTypeId = 23

    left join SystemLookup sl1 on sl1.[Description] = ad.[Country] and sl1.LookupTypeId=127

    left join ImportReference ir1 on ir1.SourceRef = a.AddressID and ir1.EntityType = 'Civica.Housing.Cx.General.Service.Entities.Address'


    OPEN Asset_Cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Asset_Cursor INTO @AssetReference,@AssetType,@AssetDescription,@GeoLocation ,@ActualHandOverDate ,@ConstructionDate ,@LocalAuthority ,@County,@Base1999Valuation,@NumberofBedrooms,@ClassificationType,@CategoryType ,@Address ,@Country,@FloorSpace,@RTB,@RTA



    --Populate the Asset table from DataLoad.

    INSERT INTO Asset (AssetReference,AssetTypeId,AssetDescription,GeoLocation,EffectiveFromDate,ActualHandoverDate,ConstructionDate,LocalAuthorityId,CountyId,Base1999Valuation,NumberOfBedrooms,ClassificationTypeId,CategoryTypeId,AddressId,CountryId,FloorSpace,AvailableForRTB,AvailableForRTA)

    VALUES (@AssetReference,@AssetType,@AssetDescription,@GeoLocation,CAST(GetDate() as date),@ActualHandOverDate,@ConstructionDate,@LocalAuthority,@County,@Base1999Valuation,@NumberofBedrooms,@ClassificationType,@CategoryType,@Address,@Country,@FloorSpace,@RTB,@RTA)

    --Now the first table is populated get the ID in order to populate all other tables


    --Populate the Import Referance Table with the Asset data

    INSERT INTO ImportReference (SourceRef, EntityID, EntityType)

    VALUES (@AssetReference,@ID, '??.Housing.Cx.Asset.Service.Domains.Asset')

    -- Populate the AssetAddress Table with the relevant data

    INSERT INTO AssetAddress (AssetId,AddressId,EffectiveFromDate)

    VALUES (@id,@Address,CAST(GetDate() as date))

    FETCH NEXT FROM Asset_Cursor INTO @AssetReference,@AssetType,@AssetDescription,@GeoLocation ,@ActualHandOverDate ,@ConstructionDate ,@LocalAuthority ,@County,@Base1999Valuation,@NumberofBedrooms,@ClassificationType,@CategoryType ,@Address ,@Country,@FloorSpace,@RTB,@RTA


    CLOSE Asset_Cursor

    DEALLOCATE Asset_Cursor

    Now the help I require is surrounding populating my third table -

    -- Populate the AssetAddress Table with the relevant data

    INSERT INTO AssetAddress (AssetId,AddressId,EffectiveFromDate)

    VALUES (@id,@Address,CAST(GetDate() as date))

    The AddressID in this table (AssetAddress) is NOTNULL, so I only want to only populate this table if the @address variable I declared is not null.

    I need to remove these otherwise the import with fail.

  • Just worked it out -

    As the ASSET table is now populated - I can use the following

    -- Populate the AssetAddress Table with the relevant data. Only if the AddressID is populated

    INSERT INTO AssetAddress (AssetId,AddressId,EffectiveFromDate)

    SELECT a.AssetID,a.AddressId,CAST(GetDate() as date) FROM Asset a WHERE a.AddressId IS NOT NULL

  • Or this?

    -- Populate the AssetAddress Table with the relevant data

    IF @Address IS NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO AssetAddress ( AssetId, AddressId, EffectiveFromDate )

    VALUES ( @id, @Address, CAST(GetDate() AS date) );

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

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