Help w/ Automated vbs - Stored Procedure Output....

  • I have a script (below) that will run a script from an input file on severs located w/in another input file. When I run a SP, I'm having issue w/ the output. When I run a SP that has a table based output, it works correctly(ex. sp_help). But, if I run an SP that has only a update statement(ex. 'command ran successful'(sp_adduser)), it does not display any results.

    Any comments, suggestions, input, on how to resolve this....


    Dim objrs, objconn

    Sub test()

    'On Error Resume Next

    Const adOpenStatic = 3

    Const adUseClient = 3

    Dim ifso, ofso, tf, countfields, fname

    Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set ifso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set tf = ofso.CreateTextFile("c:\scripts\testfile.csv", True)

    Set ifile = ifso.OpenTextFile("c:\scripts\inputfile.txt")

    Set isqlfile = ifso.OpenTextFile("c:\scripts\sql.txt")

    'SP=InputBox("Enter sp:")

    On Error Resume Next

    Do Until ifile.AtEndOfLine

    sServer = ifile.readline

    Set isqlfile = ifso.OpenTextFile("c:\scripts\sql.txt")

    Set objconn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    Set objrs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    objconn.CommandTimeout = 300

    strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Trusted_Connection=yes;Initial Catalog=master;Data Source=" + sServer + ";"

    objconn.Open strConn

    objrs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

    objrs.ActiveConnection = objconn

    objrs.CursorType = adOpenStatic

    'sp = "sp_help"


    Do Until isqlfile.AtEndOfLine

    sSql = isqlfile.readline

    objrs.Open sSql

    tf.writeline sServer

    'countfields = objRS.Fields.count

    If objrs.RecordCount > 0 Then

    For iRow = objrs.AbsolutePosition To objrs.RecordCount

    resultz2 = objrs.fields.Count

    For i = 0 To objrs.fields.Count - 1

    'if objrs.fields(i).type <> 204 then

    'resultz = objs.fields(i).Value

    tf.write objrs.fields(i).Value

    tf.write ","







    'Set isqlfile = Nothing

    End If



    'MsgBox("Stored Proc is done " & fname)



    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

    objShell.Run ("c:\scripts\testfile.csv")

    End Sub

  • Nice code

    I think the messages like you describe show up in the errors collection as opposed to the resultset. . Errors can be generated by a method call or property of the Connection, Command, or Recordset object but are always retrieved from the Connection object. By using the Error object, you can retrieve the error description and source of the error. The SQLSTATE and database-native error information is also available from the Error object when working with the ODBC Provider.

    untested sample:

    Dim Errs As ADODB.Errors

    Set Errs = objconn.Errors

    For Each errLoop In Errs

    Debug.Print errLoop.SQLState

    Debug.Print errLoop.NativeError

    Debug.Print errLoop.Description



  • If you need a result, send it back from the SP. A proc with an update statement doesn't generate a result set.

    you can force one

    create proc myproc



    update xx set yyy = zzz

    if @@error = 0 then

    select 0 'returnval'


    select 1 'returnval'


    This will give me a one column, one row table returned.

  • Steve,

    I'm kind of confused on how I would go about doing so...? I apologize for my confusion!!!!

    I appreciate the help!!!!!!!

  • In the example above, if there was an error, a one row, one column result set would be returned. The column would be named "returnval" and would have a 1. If no error, then a 0 is returned.

    That's a table.

    What are you trying to return from this script?

  • Right. And this method would be created a new SP which is a DBA function which I would not have the ability to do.

  • If you're trying to check for success, then you can execute the batch as

    sp_adduser 'aaa' ; select @@error 'error'

    and that would return the error level. 0 would indicate no error.

  • No go. When I simple run this exec sp_grantdbaccess 'cbtestdbo';select @@error 'error', no results are displayed.

    I can see it try to display somethign when I test this in query, but then the error message pops in quickly after.

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