Help Using @@error and @@rowcount together

  • Hi,

    I'm writing some scripts at the minute to archive data from one database to another.

    in order to make sure that trasactions are correct (whatever is deleted is transferred to the other database) and that no errors occur I need to check @@error after each TSQL statement (insert into .... delete from .....)

    the script i have runs fine and i can see in query analyser that the number of rows deleted matches the number of rows inserted. however i'd like to also use @@rowcount to rollback the transaction if the number of rows deleted does not match the number of rows inserted

    the problem is that @@error is reset after each statement and the same with @@rowcount

    so checking the @@rowcount value resets the @@error value

    basically i'm looking to do the following (pseudo)

    insert into table2 select * from table1 where dateif @@error<>0 rollback transactions

    delete from table1 where dateif @@error<>0 rollback transactions

    if @inscount<>@delcount rollback transaction

    i was thinking about doing the following after each del or insert statement

    insert into #temptable select @@error,@@rowcount

    although i'm not sure if this would work corretly or if anyone knows a better way



  • SELECT @ErrorNo = @@Error, @inscount = @@Rowcount

    Than do whatever checks you need.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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