Help using data from two tables in a single script

  • Hey, I haven't used SQL very much and it's been a few years and I'm trying to wrap my head around a concept.

    Basically I've got two tables with a common column (in this case it's UserID)

    The structure of the table Users is basically:

    UserID FirstName LastName

    1 Jim Smith

    2 Nancy Orr

    3 Ken Stephenson

    And the structure of the classes table is

    UserID ClassID

    1 AAA

    1 BBB

    2 AAA

    3 BBB

    What I'd like to do is select the FirstName and LastName the users table who have a UserID in both Classes and Users.

    The tricky part of it is that I only want to return the FirstName and LastName of userID who have multiple ClassID in the classes table. (hopefully I'm making sense when I explain this)

    In this case I'd like it to return just Jim Smith's name because he's the only userID who has two ClassID entries.

    So far I've come up with

    select UserId, count(*) as MultipleClasses

    from classes

    group by UserID

    having count(*) > 1;

    which outputs the UserID and a colum called MultipleClasses with how many classes each ID returned has.

    how would I do something like

    Select firtname, lastname

    from users

    where Userid= The output from that initial bit finding users with multiple classes

    I'm definitely willing to scrap everything I've come up with so far as I feel like I'm probably barking up the wrong tree here, but any help would be appreciated!

  • If I understand what you are looking for, I think this will do it :

    Select firtname, lastname

    from users

    where Userid in (select UserId

    from classes

    group by UserID

    having count(*) > 1)

  • Thank you, yeah that was exactly what I needed.

    I tried basically exactly this but I was using a "=" instead of "in" and it was throwing an error.

    Thanks again, I appreciate it

  • I am glad I could help 🙂

    You can use = (SELECT... only when you are sure the subquery returns only one row, in other cases you must use IN


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