Help trying to flatten an EAV table?

  • Hi all-

    I have the following EAV table based on exam data which we are receiving:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Exams](

    [examid] [int] NULL,

    [entity] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [value] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [examrowid] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO1', N'Bob', 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO2', N'Smith', 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO3', N'44yo', 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO4', N'Male', 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TESTType', N'Reading', 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TestCode', N'R01', 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT1', N'58%', 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT2', N'28%', 8)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT3', N'33%', 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT4', N'12%', 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT5', N'89%', 11)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TESTType', N'Writing', 12)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TestCode', N'W01', 13)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT1', N'22%', 14)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT2', N'99%', 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT3', N'8%', 16)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT4', N'34%', 17)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT5', N'15%', 18)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO1', N'Karen', 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO2', N'Clark', 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO3', N'32yo', 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO4', N'Female', 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TESTType', N'Reading', 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TestCode', N'R01', 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT1', N'55%', 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT3', N'67%', 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT5', N'49%', 11)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TESTType', N'Writing', 12)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TestCode', N'W01', 13)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT1', N'2%', 14)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT2', N'5%', 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT3', N'4%', 16)

    We would like to create derived result set that looks like this:








    However, while I can flatten it out with selfjoins to some degree I can’t seem to group the result set as shown.

    Any ideas on how this can be approached would be MOST appreciated.


  • al_nick (7/12/2011)

    Hi all-

    I have the following EAV table based on exam data which we are receiving:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Exams](

    [examid] [int] NULL,

    [entity] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [value] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [examrowid] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]




    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO1', N'Bob', 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO2', N'Smith', 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO3', N'44yo', 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'INFO4', N'Male', 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TESTType', N'Reading', 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TestCode', N'R01', 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT1', N'58%', 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT2', N'28%', 8)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT3', N'33%', 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT4', N'12%', 10)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT5', N'89%', 11)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TESTType', N'Writing', 12)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'TestCode', N'W01', 13)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT1', N'22%', 14)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT2', N'99%', 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT3', N'8%', 16)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT4', N'34%', 17)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (1, N'RESULT5', N'15%', 18)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO1', N'Karen', 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO2', N'Clark', 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO3', N'32yo', 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'INFO4', N'Female', 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TESTType', N'Reading', 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TestCode', N'R01', 6)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT1', N'55%', 7)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT3', N'67%', 9)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT5', N'49%', 11)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TESTType', N'Writing', 12)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'TestCode', N'W01', 13)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT1', N'2%', 14)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT2', N'5%', 15)

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT3', N'4%', 16)

    We would like to create derived result set that looks like this:








    However, while I can flatten it out with selfjoins to some degree I can’t seem to group the result set as shown.

    Any ideas on how this can be approached would be MOST appreciated.


    How should we determine that this RESULT2 row...

    INSERT [dbo].[Exams] ([examid], [entity], [value], [examrowid]) VALUES (2, N'RESULT2', N'5%', 15) a result meant for the W01 exam and not the R01 exam?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Your problem is that there is NOTHING in your data that identifies the READING rows as compared to the WRITING rows, other than the examrowID. Assuming those rowIDs remain constant, The following should work.

    ; with cte as (select max(case when entity = 'INFO1' then value else null end) as info1

    ,max(case when entity = 'INFO2' then value else null end) as info2

    ,max(case when entity = 'INFO3' then value else null end) as info3

    ,max(case when entity = 'INFO4' then value else null end) as info4

    --- here the use of [entity] breaks down because of duplicate values

    --- so we have to resort to the [examRowID]

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 5 then value else null end) as TestTypeA

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 6 then value else null end) as TestCodeA

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 7 then value else null end) as Result1A

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 8 then value else null end) as Result2A

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 9 then value else null end) as Result3A

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 10 then value else null end) as Result4A

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 11 then value else null end) as Result5A

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 12 then value else null end) as TestTypeB

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 13 then value else null end) as TestCodeB

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 14 then value else null end) as Result1B

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 15 then value else null end) as Result2B

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 16 then value else null end) as Result3B

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 17 then value else null end) as Result4B

    ,max(case when ExamRowID = 18 then value else null end) as Result5B

    from Exams

    group by ExamID

    ) -- end of cte

    select ca.Info1,ca.Info2,ca.Info3,ca.Info4,TestType,TestCode,Result1,Result2,Result3,Result4,Result5

    from cte

    cross apply (values



    ) ca (Info1,Info2,Info3,Info4,TestType,TestCode,Result1,Result2,Result3,Result4,Result5)

    It would be far easier (and more correct from a DB standpoint) to add an additional column to identify reading results v. writing results. Populating the new column would be the responsibility of the application that populates the table initially.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • The W01 exam.

    Most of the problem is face is because data is coming from a procedural type of application and the only to know how to group the results with the tests is by the examrowid which holds the order in which that EAV record was encountered and which result belongs to which exam.

  • Understood. But please understand the code posted will ONLY work as long as there are NO changes to those ExamRowID numbers. If those ExamRowID numbers are variable because other entity values might be included, then the posted code WILL fail and I have no other answers for you.

    In good conscience I can only recommend that you get someone to write some procedural code external to the database to give you a better schema for that table.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks. Will give this solution a go.

    Much obliged!


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