Help to prepare for microsoft certification

  • Hello all,

              I am new to SQL Server and want to prepare for  certification.Can any one help me that where i have to start and what are  different certification provided by microsoft and what is the basic exam have to write?

    I would like to receive some Valuable suggestion from you people...

    Any suggestion will be appriciated?




    Rao Aregaddan.


    That'll give you a good overview of what certifications are available and what exams and courses exist for each.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Ok thank you....

    I will go through that......:-)



    Rao Aregaddan.

  • If you are going to try for MCTS in SQL Server 2005, I recommend the training kit book (Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and Maintenance Training Kit). It is very hard to find any other books that address such a wide range of topics and it's unlikely that any practicing DBA has had a chance to use or investigate all the features that SQL Server 2005 offers.

    The book covers many of the new features of SQL Server 2005, but glosses over general concepts that you should already know such as writing SQL statements, designing a database, creating database objects, programming stored procedures, optimizing queries, etc.

    I used this book to get up-to-date since I had just picked up SQL Server after many years on Oracle and as a SAHM. I had an MCSE certification from 1998 (there was no database certification at the time, so I chose the two SQL Server 6.5 exams as my options) that expired long ago. Now I have MCTS for SQL Server 2005!!

  • If you like to pursue SQL 2005, head to

    If you plan to obtain certs in SQL 2000, visit


    Seyed Ibrahim
    Verizon Data Services India
    MCDBA, MCTS SQL 2005 Charter Member

  • The advice I have would be study the exam guidelines published by Microsoft.  In order to pass the exams you have to:


    1. Know the material (that is on the exam)
    2. Think like Microsoft


    As an example if your are taking a college class on the US Civil War, studying about WWII is not really going to help you on your Civil War exam.  Studying for Microsoft Exams is like studying for College exams, you focus on what is going to be on the exam (i.e. the exam objectives).  I view certification as a beginning step in learning. I don’t know who said it but I remember the quote “Certifications don’t make you an expert but they will help you become an expert faster.” 


    Marc Truitt


  • Thanks to all of u for your valuable suggestions...........:-)

    Thanks allot......


    Rao Aregaddan.

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