Help the new guy track down the culprit!

  • One of our clients complained that some vendors they had just entered a couple of weeks ago were no longer in the drop down list. After some investigation I found the table had been created on 07/30/08. My backup of the database to my reports server showed the table creation date should have been 05/14/2005. The suspicion is someone deleted either the table or some data and tried to cover it up by recreating the table from an older copy on the staging server dated 06/10/2008 which did not include the latest vendors. SO, what is the way to track down who did it? I am the new dba so please explain the long way!:w00t:

  • You could try querying the default trace, if it was running (it's enabled by default, but can be disabled). Here's a query that will find actions that will show actions against objects in a particular database (set the @dbname variable to the database name):


    Use this section only if running query about objects WITHIN a database, such as

    drops and adds of tables, etc. Helps with join to sys.objects */

    USE PropertyTax -- modify db name


    declare @dbname sysname

    set @dbname = 'Propone' -- modify db name

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    -- obtain file name for Default Trace

    declare @TraceFileName nvarchar(256)

    set @TraceFileName = (select path from sys.traces where is_default = 1)

    -- get general name for Default Trace (remove rollover number)

    set @TraceFileName =

    substring (@Tracefilename, 1, (charindex ('\log_', @tracefilename) + 3)) + '.trc'

    -- sample query: get info about recently added, deleted and modified

    -- stored procedures in a database






    ,tr.ObjectName as 'Trace ObjectName'

    , as 'Sysobjects Name'



    /* see 'ObjectType Trace Event Column' in BOL to get a translation of these type codes */

    ,sv.subclass_name as 'ObjectAbbrv'




    from fn_trace_gettable(@TraceFileName, default) tr

    join sys.trace_events ev

    on tr.eventclass = ev.trace_event_id

    join sys.trace_subclass_values sv

    on tr.eventclass = sv.trace_event_id

    and tr.ObjectType = sv.subclass_value

    and sv.trace_column_id = 28

    left join sys.objects o

    on tr.ObjectID = o.object_id

    where starttime > '2008-06-30 11:00'

    and databaseID = db_id(@dbname)

    and eventclass in (46, 47, 164) -- object created, deleted or altered

    and eventsubclass = 1 -- only committed act


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