HELP --- SQL Programming

  • Hi Bob, can I ask you a quick question....

    I have some data in a table that during a conversion we put in all lower and in all upper case. This is a name column in the table so it need to be Firstname M. Lastname, or just Firstname or Firstname Lastname.

    Is there anyway to convert that in SQL Server?

    Thanks in Advance..


  • DECLARE @bob-2 VARCHAR(200)

    SELECT @bob-2 = 'robert'

    SELECT UPPER(SUBSTRING(@bob,1,1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(@bob,2,LEN(@bob)))

    SELECT @bob-2 = 'ROBERT'

    SELECT UPPER(SUBSTRING(@bob,1,1)) + LOWER(SUBSTRING(@bob,2,LEN(@bob)))

  • Hello Bob, I am stuck again... I posted the below and wondered if you had any solution...

    I have the below data in a table called say "kipp".

    I am trying to get a script to work that will look at the first proj_id (which is the 5 digit proj_id, 11293), if that base id has a desc, then fill that desc in on the below proj_id's that belong to the group (ie. 11293.000,11293.000.00...) and so on... I cant seem to figure it out as a newbie to SQL Server. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


    proj_id desc

    ------------------------------ ------------------------------

    11293 Description1






    11294 Description2






  • The issue here is a bad design.

    Basically what you are calling the top level project should be a table of it's own.

    In fact you should have at least 3 tables where you have 1 right now. At the very least, what I would suggest is splitting the PK from 99999.999.9999 into 3 columns.

    You can create a computed column to replace the old one by for compatiblity.

    This change will simplify ALL of the issues in this thread.

  • hey thanks for the quick reply.

    that sounds good, although I do not ahve access to change or add anything to the tables.

    this is an existing table that is and has been used for a long time.

    I just need to figure out a script that can check that column and populate it with the main description.


    ;WITH tblDesc AS (

    SELECT proj_id,

    [desc] FROM tblTest

    WHERE proj_id NOT LIKE '%.%'


    UPDATE tblTest

    SET [desc] = tblDesc.[desc]

    FROM tblTest

    INNER JOIN tblDesc

    ON SUBSTRING(tblTest.proj_id,1,LEN(tblDesc.proj_id)) = tblDesc.proj_id

    WHERE tblTest.proj_id LIKE '%.%' AND tblTest.[desc] IS NULL

    SELECT * FROM tblTest


    This should do what you want. FYI, this is not efficient. Definately run on a test system first.

  • Hi,

    Just a point,

    use charindex('.',proj_id) = 0 instead off not like '%.%'

    and charindex('.',tblTest.proj_id) > 0 instead off tblTest.proj_id LIKE '%.%' for best performance.



  • Another possibility:

    UPDATE kipp

    SET descr = ISNULL(b.[descr],'') AS [descr]

    FROM kipp a

    LEFT JOIN(SELECT proj_id, descr

    FROM kipp

    WHERE len(proj_id) = 5 and isnull(descr,'')<>''

    ) b

    ON SUBSTRING(a.proj_id,1,5) = b.proj_id

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