help selecting multiple of a value up to a certain amount

  • Im trying to fill a temp table with values that I am selecting from several tables for a maintenance system. We'll drop the normalization and make the table flat for ease of explanation:


    PK: MaintID

    Int: Mileage (3000, 30000, 60000)

    VarChar(50): Task (change oil, change filter, change plugs)

    so for every 3000 there is an oil change. I'd like to do something like:

    INSERT INTO ##tblTmpMaintSched

    SELECT Mileage, Task from tblMaintSched

    but actually loop the mileage and task up to 100000. So instead of just inserting:

    3000 Change Oil

    I'm actually inserting:

    3000 Change oil

    6000 Change Oil

    9000 Change Oil

    all the way to

    99000 Change Oil

    I'd like to do this for every record that I select into the temp table,

    can anyone think of a way to do this in the BE?



  • create table #mileage (mileage int NOT NULL)


    insert #milage (mileage) values (3000)

    insert #milage (mileage) values (6000)

    insert #milage (mileage) values (9000)

    insert #milage (mileage) values (12000)




    INSERT INTO ##tblTmpMaintSched

    SELECT b.Mileage, a.Task from tblMaintSched a, #mileage b

    giving yourself a cartesian product result.


    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thanks, but I believe that would require me to know all of the values taht I am inserting. I cannot hard code, since I only have one value but need to insert all multiples.

    I made up a UDF which would work, but I am trying to do this all in the sproc, without a UDF.

    --Debug Variables:

    DECLARE @Mileage AS INT


    SET @MileAge = 3000

    SET @Task = 'Change oil'

    DECLARE @tblTempVMI TABLE (Mileage INT, Task VARCHAR(50))


    SET @X = @Mileage

    WHILE @X <100000



    SELECT @X, @Task

    SET @X = @X + @Mileage


    SELECT * FROM @tblTempVMI

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