Help retrieving a dataset that only includes the latest versions of data

  • In our Microsoft Dynamics Nav instance we have a Sales Header Archive table - into which copies of the Sales Header are placed, with 3 items forming the compound key:

    Document Number


    Occurrence number

    so if doc 1 is archived, then the records would be

    Doc# | Version | Occurrence #

    1 | 1 | 1

    When a second copy is archived a new record is added:

    Doc# | Version | Occurrence #

    1 | 1 | 1

    1 | 1 | 2

    and then when maybe a 3rd version is archived a 3rd entry added

    Doc# | Version | Occurrence #

    1 | 1 | 1

    1 | 1 | 2

    1 | 2 | 2

    This is for EACH document and I now need to retrieve the dataset which is the latest version of each document... but I'm drawing a blank!

    If I

    select [Doc#], max([Version]) as [V], max([Occurrence #]) from (table) group by [Doc#]

    then I get the distinct list of docs, but I now need to use this list to select the records which match this criteria, from this table.

    How do I select just these?

    I thought (wrongly) that I could simply say:

    Select * from Invoice Table where

    Invoice.[Doc#], Invoice.[V], Invoice.[Occurrence #] in

    (select [Doc#], max([Version]) as [V], max([Occurrence #]) from (table) group by [Doc#])

    Can anyone help?

  • I prefer to use Row_Number().

    with cte as

    (Select *

    , row_number() over (Partition by [Doc#] order by Version Desc, [Occurrence #] Desc)

    as RowNum from Invoice Table


    select * from cte

    where RowNum = 1;

    Russel Loski, MCSE Business Intelligence, Data Platform

  • Thanks for the reply - I've worked it out. Little did I know, you can actually join a query to a query to pull out the data!

    The query that gives me the distinct list of possible values is:

    Select [DocNo],Max([Doc_ No_ Occurrence]) as Occur, Max([Version No_]) as Vers from [DW_Sales Header Archive] group by [DocNo])

    therefore if I join a select query to this to select all the row data where those three criteria match, then I get the dataset I am looking for:

    Select a.*

    from [DW_Sales Header Archive] as a

    inner join (

    Select [DocNo],Max([Doc_ No_ Occurrence]) as Occur, Max([Version No_]) as Vers from [DW_Sales Header Archive] group by [DocNo]) as q

    on a.DocNo = q.DocNo

    and a.[Doc_ No_ Occurrence] = q.Occur and a.[Version No_]=q.Vers

    Once again, thanks for the reply, but I found the answer myself 🙂

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