Help please --- creating a view in the stored procedure

  •  I am using following code to create the view in the stored procedure

    alter PROCEDURE test_wfp @param1 datetime,@param2 datetime,@param3 datetime




    if exists (select name from sysobjects

      where name = 'vLaborhrs' and type = 'V')

    drop view vLaborhrs

    exec (

     'create VIEW vLaborHrs_temp


    SELECT LbrFlxIDEb, convert(datetime,Convert(Char(10),LbrDateAdd, 101)) as LbrDateAdd,

    HRSWorked = Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass = ''1'' AND LbrSecPayCode= ''A'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''00'' THEN

       REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''')ELSE 0000 END),

    OTHours = Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass= ''9'' AND  LbrSecPayCode= ''A'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15)= ''47'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''') ELSE 000 END),

    HolHours = Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass= ''2'' AND (LbrSecPayCode= ''H'' or LbrSecPayCode= ''S'') AND

    SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''00'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''') ELSE 000 END),

    RegVac = Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass= ''3'' AND LbrSecPayCode= ''V'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''F0'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''')  ELSE 000 END),

    Vac_In_Lieu = Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass= ''3'' AND LbrSecPayCode= ''V'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''A0'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''') ELSE 000 END),

    PEHours =  Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass in ( ''1'',''7'') AND LbrSecPayCode= ''B'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''00'' THEN


      WHEN  LbrPayClass= ''7'' AND LbrSecPayCode= ''V'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''99'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''') ELSE 000 END),

    X_Vac_Hours =  Sum(CASE WHEN LbrPayClass= ''9'' AND LbrSecPayCode= ''A'' AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) = ''09'' THEN

      REPLACE(CONVERT(Char(10),LbrTotalHours),''.'','''') ELSE 000 END)

    From Ebase LEFT OUTER JOIN ELabor on ebflxid = lbrflxideb

    Where ebdateend is null and

    LbrPayClass IN (''1'', ''9'', ''3'',''2'',''7'') AND LbrSecPayCode in (''B'',''A'',''V'',''S'',''H'') and

    SUBSTRING(LbrDistData,14,15) in (''00'',''47'',''F0'',''99'',''09'',''A0'')  and

    lbrdateadd > = @param2 and lbrdateadd <= @param3

    Group By LbrFlxIDEb, convert(datetime,Convert(Char(10),LbrDateAdd, 101)) '



    This code compiles fine. But when I run the stored procedure with the following statement

    exec test_wfp '03/26/06','03/27/06','03/30/06'

    it it gives me an error message @param2 much be declared. I am passing @param2 and @param3 as the parameters to the stored procedure. It looks like view is not recognizing the parameters sent to the procedure.

    Is there any way to pass these parameters to the view?






  • Your first issue is a scope issue.  You are telling SQL Server to use @param2 within the dynamic SQL; however, it was declared outside of the dynamic SQL.  The dynamic SQL string does not know about @param2, because it was declared outside of its scope.  If you want to use the value of @param2 within the dynamic SQL, either append it to the string in the proper place to be executed using '{some SQL code} ' + @param2 + ' {some more SQL code}' format, or use sp_executesql and make it a parameterized dynamic query.  The latter method is safer (i.e., SQL Injection).

    The second issue is that you are creating a view dynamically inside a stored procedure anyway.  That's not a good practice.  If you really want a "parameterized view", look at turning this thing into an INLINE TABLE-VALUED FUNCTION with parameters.

    Finally, you should get used to using standard SQL datetime formats in your code - i.e., "yyyy-mm-dd" in order to avoid confusion and problems down the road.  This will be especially true if you start dealing with historical data; i.e., does "12/1/06" mean Dec. 1, 1906, January 12, 2006, or something else entirely?  Using the standard date format eliminates possible confusion on the SQL side and on the front end.

  • Mike makes soe good points.  If you need an example of INLINE TABLE-VALUED FUNCTION see


  • Here's a sample to help you get started.  Obviously I couldn't test it, since I don't have your tables and sample data, but this is the basic idea.  I also modified a couple of your statements -- the REPLACE functions where you're replacing the decimal point means your SUM() statement is relying on an implicit conversion to a numeric type.  I replaced this with CAST(... AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0 to explicitly convert your data to a numeric type and eliminate the decimal (assumes two decimal points).  I also noticed that your SUBSTRING() function calls will all return false every time.  The format is SUBSTRING(string, start_pos, length).  It looks like you might have used SUBSTRING(string, start_pos, end_pos).  Finally I noticed that @param1 isn't even used in the SELECT statement?

    Anyway, here is the Inline TVF for you (***disclaimer:  not tested***):

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_test_wfp ( @param1 DATETIME,

        @param2 DATETIME,

        @param3 DATETIME)




     SELECT LbrFlxIDEb, CONVERT(DATETIME, LbrDateAdd, 101) AS LbrDateAdd,

      HRSWorked = SUM(

        CASE WHEN LbrPayClass = '1'

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'A'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '00'

         THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 0000


      OTHours = SUM(


        WHEN LbrPayClass = '9'

         AND  LbrSecPayCode = 'A'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '47'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


      HolHours = SUM(


        WHEN LbrPayClass = '2'

         AND (LbrSecPayCode = 'H'

         OR LbrSecPayCode = 'S')

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '00'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


      RegVac = SUM(

        CASE WHEN LbrPayClass = '3'

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'V'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = 'F0'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


      Vac_In_Lieu = SUM(

        CASE WHEN LbrPayClass = '3'

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'V'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = 'A0'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


      PEHours =  SUM(

        CASE WHEN LbrPayClass IN ('1', '7')

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'B'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '00'

          THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        WHEN LbrPayClass = '7'

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'V'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '99'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


      X_Vac_Hours = SUM(

        CASE WHEN LbrPayClass = '9'

         AND LbrSecPayCode = 'A'

         AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) = '09'

        THEN CAST(LbrTotalHours AS NUMERIC(10, 2)) * 100.0

        ELSE 000


     FROM Ebase


     ON ebflxid = lbrflxideb

     WHERE ebdateend IS NULL

      AND LbrPayClass IN ('1', '9', '3', '2', '7')

      AND LbrSecPayCode IN ('B', 'A', 'V', 'S', 'H')

      AND SUBSTRING(LbrDistData, 14, 2) IN ('00', '47', 'F0', '99', '09', 'A0')

      AND lbrdateadd >= @param2 AND lbrdateadd <= @param3

     GROUP BY LbrFlxIDEb, LbrDateAdd


  • Thanks much.That helped me a lot. I am going to try function instead of view.



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