October 14, 2014 at 3:47 am
Hi All,
I'm a novice when it comes to sql programming and hoping someone can help me with my scenario. I have produced an aged debtors report which worked fine. However I have been asked to add revaluations in the month. This is the problem, now that I had joined the "GeneralLedger" table that anything in my base currency which obviously is not re-valued is being excluded. I want transactions in base as well as foreign to be included.
My coding is below:
SELECT InvcHead.Company, InvcHead.InvoiceNum AS [Invoice Number],
InvcHead.CurrencyCode AS Currency,
CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.InvoiceDate, 101) AS [Invoice Date],
CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.DueDate, 101) AS [Due Date],
DATEDIFF(dd, InvcHead.DueDate, GETDATE()) AS [Days Over],
InvcHead.UnpostedBal AS [Invoice Bal],
Customer.Name AS Customer,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 0 THEN UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS FUTURE,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 1 AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 30 THEN UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS [CURRENT],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 30 AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 60 THEN UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS [Over 30],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 60 AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 90 THEN UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS [Over 60],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE()) > 90 AND DATEDIFF(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE())<= 120 THEN InvcHead.UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS [Over 90],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 120 AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 1000 THEN InvcHead.UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 ELSE 0 END AS [Over 120],
GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1 AS [Gain/(Loss) in Period]
FROM InvcHead INNER JOIN Customer ON (InvcHead.CustNum = Customer.CustNum)
INNER JOIN CurrExRate AS Currency_table ON (InvcHead.CurrencyCode = Currency_table.TargetCurrCode)
INNER JOINGLJrnDtl ON (InvcHead.InvoiceNum = GLJrnDtl.ARInvoiceNum) AND(GLJrnDtl.Company = InvcHead.Company)
AND (InvcHead.Company = Customer.Company) AND (Currency_table.Company = InvcHead.company)
(InvcHead.OpenInvoice = '1') AND
(InvcHead.Posted = '1') AND
Customer.CustID NOT LIKE '100034' AND
Customer.CustID NOT LIKE'9%' AND
Gljrndtl.FiscalYear ='2014' AND
Gljrndtl.FiscalPeriod ='9' AND
GLJrnDtl.Description like 'rev%' AND
(JEDate IN (@GL_date)) AND
(SourceModule IN (@Source)) AND
(effectivedate IN (@date)) AND
(JournalLine IN (@Line))AND
(Reverse IN (@Reverse))
GROUP BY InvcHead.Company,
ORDER BY InvcHead.Company,
[Invoice Number]
1st report, excluding revaluations shows all currency invoices due, take the company "spbene", you can see euro and usd invoices.
Second report, addition of new table and variables to include revaluations for the month now excludes base currency invoices. Take the same company "spbene", all euro invoices have now been excluded as euro is the base currency.
October 14, 2014 at 4:14 am
Hi Imran,
welcome to the forum.
Try joining to the General Ledger Table with a LEFT join. That's only a guess mind you. If you go to the link on my signature it'll give you some advice about how to post a question to get a better answer.
How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537
October 14, 2014 at 5:44 am
Thank you, unfortunately Left join will not do anything to the data.
October 14, 2014 at 5:47 am
Will not do or does not do?
Could you post some sample data please? It will make it much easier to establish what's wrong if we've got an idea what your tables look like. You might only need to post a few rows in each to show us what it looks like.
How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537
October 14, 2014 at 6:15 am
What do you get when you use a left join form CurrExRate?
October 14, 2014 at 6:21 am
Sorry will not give the desired result of showing all data but excluding the base currency still
October 14, 2014 at 6:22 am
Did not think it would give the desired results. It would however be a step toward finding the problem.
October 14, 2014 at 6:29 am
I've tried all combinations of joins but it doesn't seem to work, I guess due to the number of filters I have in the where Clause.
October 14, 2014 at 6:36 am
I have 4 tables,
Invchead - Holds most the information I need to compile a report, had to join the following tables to get extended detail.
Customer - Had to join this table as the Invchead table did not hold the customers name,
CurrExRate - Holds current exchange rate information that invchead did not have,
GLJrndtl - Holds the revaluations for the month
The where clauses filtered everything to give the desired outcome for invoices which have been revalued but as I've joined this table and applied my filters, it's now excluded anything which isn't revalued as you would expect.
October 14, 2014 at 6:37 am
The left join gave me example the same result as I had before, the data did not change.
October 14, 2014 at 6:39 am
As I've said before, please can you post some sample data. It will make it much easier to see where there might be a problem.
How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537
October 14, 2014 at 6:44 am
Hopefully this makes it more readable.
SELECT InvcHead.Company ("Invchead")
,InvcHead.InvoiceNum AS [Invoice Number] ("Invchead")
,InvcHead.CurrencyCode AS Currency ("Invchead")
,CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.InvoiceDate, 101) AS [Invoice Date] ("Invchead")
,CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.DueDate, 101) AS [Due Date] ("Invchead")
,DATEDIFF(dd, InvcHead.DueDate, GETDATE()) AS [Days Over] ("Invchead")
,InvcHead.UnpostedBal AS [Invoice Bal] ("Invchead")
,Customer.NAME AS Customer ("Customer")
,Currency_table.CurrentRate ("CurrexRate")
WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 0
THEN OverDue.amt
WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 1
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 30
THEN OverDue.amt
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 30
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 60
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 30]
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 60
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 90
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 60]
WHEN datediff(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE()) > 90
AND DATEDIFF(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE()) <= 120
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 90]
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 120
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 1000
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 120]
,OverDue.gain_loss AS [Gain/(Loss) in Period]
FROM InvcHead
-- Compute overdue amount and gain/loss
SELECT UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1
, GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * - 1
) as OverDue(amt, gain_loss)
INNER JOIN Customer ON (InvcHead.CustNum = Customer.CustNum)
INNER JOIN CurrExRate AS Currency_table ON (InvcHead.CurrencyCode = Currency_table.TargetCurrCode
INNER JOIN GLJrnDtl ON (InvcHead.InvoiceNum = GLJrnDtl.ARInvoiceNum)
AND (GLJrnDtl.Company = InvcHead.Company)
AND (InvcHead.Company = Customer.Company)
AND (Currency_table.Company = InvcHead.company)
WHERE (InvcHead.OpenInvoice = '1')
AND (InvcHead.Posted = '1') ("Invchead")
AND Customer.CustID NOT LIKE '100034' ("Customer")
AND Customer.CustID NOT LIKE '9%' ("Customer")
AND Gljrndtl.FiscalYear = '2014' ("GLjrndtl")
AND Gljrndtl.FiscalPeriod = '9' ("GLjrndtl")
AND GLJrnDtl.Description LIKE 'rev%' ("GLJrndtl")
AND (JEDate IN (@GL_date)) Parameters
AND (SourceModule IN (@Source)) Parameters
AND (effectivedate IN (@date)) Parameters
AND (JournalLine IN (@Line)) Parameters
AND (Reverse IN (@Reverse)) Parameters
GROUP BY InvcHead.Company
ORDER BY InvcHead.Company
,[Invoice Number]
I've listed table names at the side and parameters.
October 14, 2014 at 6:49 am
Sorry a little more structured.
SELECT InvcHead.Company
,InvcHead.InvoiceNum AS [Invoice Number]
,InvcHead.CurrencyCode AS Currency
,CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.InvoiceDate, 101) AS [Invoice Date]
,CONVERT(VARCHAR, InvcHead.DueDate, 101) AS [Due Date]
,DATEDIFF(dd, InvcHead.DueDate, GETDATE()) AS [Days Over]
,InvcHead.UnpostedBal AS [Invoice Bal]
,Customer.NAME AS Customer
WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 0
THEN OverDue.amt
WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 1
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 30
THEN OverDue.amt
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 30
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 60
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 30]
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 60
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 90
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 60]
WHEN datediff(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE()) > 90
AND DATEDIFF(dd, invoicedate, GETDATE()) <= 120
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 90]
WHEN datediff(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) > 120
AND DATEDIFF(dd, duedate, GETDATE()) <= 1000
THEN OverDue.amt
END AS [Over 120]
,OverDue.gain_loss AS [Gain/(Loss) in Period]
FROM InvcHead
-- Compute overdue amount and gain/loss
SELECT UnpostedBal + GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * -1
, GLJrnDtl.BookCreditAmount + GLJrnDtl.BookDebitAmount * - 1
) as OverDue(amt, gain_loss)
INNER JOIN Customer ON (InvcHead.CustNum = Customer.CustNum)
INNER JOIN CurrExRate AS Currency_table ON (InvcHead.CurrencyCode = Currency_table.TargetCurrCode
INNER JOIN GLJrnDtl ON (InvcHead.InvoiceNum = GLJrnDtl.ARInvoiceNum)
AND (GLJrnDtl.Company = InvcHead.Company)
AND (InvcHead.Company = Customer.Company)
AND (Currency_table.Company = InvcHead.company)
WHERE (InvcHead.OpenInvoice = '1')
AND (InvcHead.Posted = '1')
AND Customer.CustID NOT LIKE '100034'
AND Customer.CustID NOT LIKE '9%'
AND Gljrndtl.FiscalYear = '2014'
AND Gljrndtl.FiscalPeriod = '9'
AND GLJrnDtl.Description LIKE 'rev%'
AND (JEDate IN (@GL_date))
AND (SourceModule IN (@Source))
AND (effectivedate IN (@date))
AND (JournalLine IN (@Line))
AND (Reverse IN (@Reverse))
GROUP BY InvcHead.Company
ORDER BY InvcHead.Company
,[Invoice Number]
October 14, 2014 at 6:51 am
It's a start 🙂 Could you post examples of the data in your tables next please? Have a look at this article
http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/ and it'll show you how. As I've said, you don't have to post your actual data, just enough to give us an idea.
Out of interest, have you tried taking things out of your WHERE clause one at a time to see if that makes a difference?
How to post a question to get the most help http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537
October 14, 2014 at 7:18 am
Thank you, I'll put it into the format as per the rules and put some examples together.
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