Help - New to T-SQL

  • Hi I am new to T-SQL and can do stuff in asp but now need to use jobs to change data at set times, the following code is what i have in vb, any pointers in how to make it work in T-SQL would be appreciated





    Set RSFormUpd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "Select * From ViewWeeklyFormUpdate", Conn, 3, 3

    Do While Not RSFormUpd.EOF

    UpdForm = Round((int(RSFormUpd("StableHands"))/22) + (rnd * 2),0)

    If UpdForm = 0 Then

    If int(RSFormUpd("Form")) - 1 = 0 Then

    RSFormUpd("Form") = int(RSFormUpd("Form"))


    RSFormUpd("Form") = int(RSFormUpd("Form")) - 1

    End If

    End If

    If UpdForm = 1 Then

    RSFormUpd("Form") = int(RSFormUpd("Form"))

    End If

    If UpdForm = 2 Then

    If int(RSFormUpd("Form")) + 1 = 6 Then

    RSFormUpd("Form") = int(RSFormUpd("Form"))


    RSFormUpd("Form") = int(RSFormUpd("Form")) + 1

    End If

    End If

    Response.write RSFormUpd("Form") & " "





    Set RSFormUpd = Nothing

    in pseudo code

    have a view which is a combination of TblHorses and TblOwners has fields:

    Form from Horses

    StableHands from owners

    linked by Horses.OwnedBy = Owners.OwnerID

    ok goes through all the horses and creates a number either 0,1,2

    based on the formula

    Round((int(RSFormUpd("StableHands"))/22) + (rnd * 2),0)

    then if the random number = 0 the Form goes down 1 unless is already 1 then stays the same

    if = 1 then stays same

    if = 2 then form goes up 1 unless it is already 5 then it stays the same

    many thanks in advance
  • Put your stuff in a stored procedure which shouldn't be too difficult at all. Create then a job and schedule it for your needs.

    And, btw, you should really use the ADO command object.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • thank u, u are a god send.
    Silly q now. Don't suppose you could do a simple example? if too much to ask dont worry.
    But thanks anyways at least i have a starting point
  • Something like the following should work:


    Create Procedure usp_my_procedure As


    Update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate

                Set Form =

    Case Round( cast( StableHands as int)/22) + (rand() * 2),0)

                                        When 1 Then Cast(Form as Int)

                                        When 2 Then


    When (Form+1)=6 Then Cast(Form as Int)

                                                                Else Cast(Form as Int) -1


                                        Else 0



    You may need to replace the view with it's constituent parts.


    Nic Washington

  • Don't suppose you could do a simple example?

    I could, but Nic has done so already.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank you, once i see something layed out like that it makes so much sense and a lot easier to understand.
    When I get home tonight will give it a go.
  • lol ok got home and definate improvement. my only question is that rand seems to be the same rand for all records? am i wrong in this or is there another setting i need to change

  • ooooo have modified a bit: seems to work minus every record ending up with same result lol:
    Update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate
     Set Form =
      Case round( cast( StableHands as int)/22 + (rand() * 2),0)
       When 1 Then Cast(Form as Int)
       When 2 Then



         When (Form+1)=6 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) +1



         When (Form-1)=0 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) -1

  • The RAND function only executes once per matter how you write it all rows will have the same result.

    The common way to randomize in T-SQL is to use the NEWID() function which generates a unique random value for each row.  Order by this and select the desired count or percent off the top.

    When converting row-by-row procedural logic to T-SQL you have to change your approach to set-based rather than row-based.

    Your problem involves different probabilities for different groups, so there are multiple random selections in my solution:

    -- Fewer than 22 stablehands: 1/3 decrement (1 min), 1/3 increment (5 max)

    -- 22-43 stablehands: 2/3 increment (5 max)

    -- 44+ stablehands: all increment (5 max)

    create table #decrement (HorseID int not null primary key clustered)

    -- Determine which horses will be decremented

    -- 33% of (StableHands < 22)

    insert into #decrement

    select top 33 percent HorseID

    from ViewWeeklyFormUpdate

    where StableHands < 22

    order by newid()

    update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate set Form = Form - 1

    where Form > 1 and HorseID in (select HorseID from #decrement)

    -- Determine which horses will be incremented

    -- 50% of (StableHands < 22) that were not decremented

    -- 67% of (22 <= StableHands < 44)

    -- All StableHands >= 44

    update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate set Form = Form + 1

    where Form < 5 and (StableHands >= 44 or HorseID in (

       select top 50 percent HorseID from ViewWeeklyFormUpdate

       where StableHands < 22 and HorseID not in (select HorseID from #decrement)

       order by newid()

       union all

       select top 67 percent HorseID from ViewWeeklyFormUpdate

       where (StableHands between 22 and 43)

       order by newid()))


    table #decrement

  • Hi Guys,

    I know there will be loads of abuse for this but had to do it.........

    You can make rand work on multiple occaisions in one sp - by using a bit of dynamic sql and sp_executesql e.g.:-

    DECLARE @RandomisedNumber decimal,

     @SQL nvarchar(4000),

     @Counter decimal

     SET @Counter = 1

     WHILE @Counter < 10


      SET @sql = N'SET @RandomisedNumber = round(' + CAST(@Counter AS Varchar(255)) + '/22 + (rand() * 2),0)'

      EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@RandomisedNumber decimal OUTPUT', @RandomisedNumber OUTPUT

      PRINT CAST(@RandomisedNumber as varchar(255))

     SET @Counter = @Counter + 1


    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Hmm any chance showing inside my example? as i have tried the below but still using same rand
    DECLARE @RandomisedNumber decimal

    DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(500)

    SET @sql = N'SET @RandomisedNumber = (rand() * 2)'

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@RandomisedNumber decimal OUTPUT' ,@RandomisedNumber OUTPUT

    Update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate
     Set Form =
      Case round( cast( StableHands as int)/22 + CAST(@RandomisedNumber as varchar(255)),0)
       When 1 Then Cast(Form as Int)
       When 2 Then



         When (Form+1)=6 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) +1



         When (Form-1)=0 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) -1

    and i like the idea of guid but the stable hands is different between owners each owner can have between 0 and 10 stable hands and want a diff rand for each horse.
  • Here's an idea...

    CREATE TABLE [Numbers] (

    [PkNumber] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,




    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Declare @i as int

    set @i = 0

    while @i < 8000 -- stop whenever you want but the bigger this table is the longer it'll take to rurn queries from it.


    Insert into dbo.Numbers Default Values

    set @i = @i + 1


    set @i = 0

    while @i < 5


    Select top 10 PkNumber, PkNumber % 2 as mod from dbo.Numbers order by Newid()

    set @i = @i + 1


    If you run this query as a subquery you'll get a different rand everytime.

  • Hi,

    Example with your existing code:-

    Update ViewWeeklyFormUpdate

    Declare @sql nvarchar(4000),

            @RandomisedNumber decimal


     Set Form =

       SET @sql = N'SET @RandomisedNumber = rand() * 2'

       EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@RandomisedNumber decimal OUTPUT', @RandomisedNumber OUTPUT

      Case round( cast( StableHands as int)/22 + CAST(@RandomisedNumber as varchar(255)),0)


       When 1 Then Cast(Form as Int)


       When 2 Then




         When (Form+1)=6 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) +1







         When (Form-1)=0 Then Cast(Form as Int)


         Else Cast(Form as Int) -1





    Hope it helps.

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • cool and that means a different random number for each record?
    Thanks again all of you, is so nice to be on a forum where ppl help.
  • ok tried the above and got errors:
    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Declare'.

    Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 6

    Line 6: Incorrect syntax near '='.

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 11

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Case'.

    so moved the declares and that fixed the 1st 2 but can't get rid of the rest.

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