Help needed to update field with Page Seq Nbr

  • I have a table with the following columns:

    Page_Seq (int)    VendorName varchar(50)     VendorID varchar(6)

    The data is imported from a fixed field text file with just the VendorName and

    VendorID.  I need to populate the Page_Seq column with increments of 1 for

    every 13th row.


    Page_Seq          VendorName          VendorID

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    1                      MyVendor             000001

    2                      MyVendor2           000002                     

    2                      MyVendor2           000002

    2                      MyVendor2           000002


    Is there a simple TSQL statement I can use for the update or is a cursor necessary?


  • Is this something you wanted? Then you need an identity.


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TestID]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[TestID]

    Create Table TestID (

     [ID] int IDENTITY(1,1),

     [Page_Seq] INT NULL,

     VendorName varchar(50) NULL,

     VendorID varchar(6) NULL,

     [Description] Varchar(50) NULL


    -- populate data

    DECLARE @Finished INT


     SET @Finished=0

     WHILE @Finished < 1000


      SET @Finished = @Finished + 1

      SET @VendorID = @Finished/100 + 1

      Insert Into TestID

      SELECT NULL, 'Company ' + Cast(@VendorID As Varchar(10)), Cast(@VendorID As Varchar(10)), cast(@Finished as varchar(10)) + ' and so'


    -- Update page_seq

    Update TestID

    Set Page_Seq = ([ID]-1)/13 + 1

    -- Finally get the result

    Select * From TestID

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