Help Needed in Xmlpath

  • Hi,

    Below is the test data and my query. Basically i am trying to get the File records along with if any error messages occurred. I am getting the output as expected but the message column has "," at the front and sometime at the end of the column. How do i avoid that.

    Also is there any better way to write this query? Any suggestion or correction please

    declare @Files table (ID int identity(1,1) primary key,Filename varchar(50),Date_Created datetime)

    insert into @Files (Filename,Date_Created)

    select 'File1',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File2',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File3',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File4',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File5',GETDATE()-4 union all

    select 'File6',getdate()-4;

    declare @FilesLog table (IDLog int identity(1,1) primary key,

    ID int,Message varchar(4000), Date_Created datetime);

    insert into @FilesLog (ID,Message,Date_Created)

    select 1,'',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 1,'Error:InvalidFile',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 1,'Error: Email is not valid',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error:InvalidFile',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error: Age is not valid',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error: Salary is not valid',getdate()-1 union all

    select 3,'',getdate()-3 union all

    select 3,'',getdate()-4 ;

    With CTE as (

    SELECT id, message = STUFF((SELECT N', ' + message

    FROM @FilesLog AS p2

    WHERE p2.ID =

    FOR XML PATH(N'')), 1, 2, N'')

    FROM @FilesLog AS p

    where DATEDIFF(DD,GETDATE(),p.Date_Created) = -1 and Message is not null

    GROUP BY id)

    select F.ID,F.Filename,F.Date_Created,

    case when message >'' then message

    else 'no Issues' end as [Message] from

    @Files F left join CTE C

    on(F.ID = C.ID) where DATEDIFF(DD,GETDATE(),F.Date_Created) = -1 ;

  • Quick thought, add a case for the zero length message entries, otherwise you solution is fine.


    USE tempdb;



    declare @Files table (ID int identity(1,1) primary key,Filename varchar(50),Date_Created datetime)

    insert into @Files (Filename,Date_Created)

    select 'File1',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File2',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File3',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File4',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 'File5',GETDATE()-4 union all

    select 'File6',getdate()-4;

    declare @FilesLog table (IDLog int identity(1,1) primary key,

    ID int,Message varchar(4000), Date_Created datetime);

    insert into @FilesLog (ID,Message,Date_Created)

    select 1,'',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 1,'Error:InvalidFile',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 1,'Error: Email is not valid',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error:InvalidFile',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error: Age is not valid',GETDATE()-1 union all

    select 2,'Error: Salary is not valid',getdate()-1 union all

    select 3,'',getdate()-3 union all

    select 3,'',getdate()-4 ;

    ;With CTE as (

    SELECT id, message = STUFF((SELECT CASE WHEN LEN(message) > 0 THEN N', ' + message ELSE '' END

    FROM @FilesLog AS p2

    WHERE p2.ID =

    FOR XML PATH(N'')), 1, 2, N'')

    FROM @FilesLog AS p

    where DATEDIFF(DD,GETDATE(),p.Date_Created) = -1 and Message is not null

    GROUP BY id)

    select F.ID,F.Filename,F.Date_Created,

    case when message >'' then message

    else 'no Issues' end as [Message] from

    @Files F left join CTE C

    on(F.ID = C.ID) where DATEDIFF(DD,GETDATE(),F.Date_Created) = -1 ;


    ID Filename Date_Created Message

    --- --------- ----------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    1 File1 2015-02-06 17:03:38.627 Error:InvalidFile, Error: Email is not valid

    2 File2 2015-02-06 17:03:38.627 Error:InvalidFile, Error: Age is not valid, Error: Salary is not valid

    3 File3 2015-02-06 17:03:38.627 no Issues

    4 File4 2015-02-06 17:03:38.627 no Issues

  • Thanks Eirik

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