Help me with a query

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to do this

    Consider a row having four columns which contains values as a b c d in the individual columns. I want to display the result set one below the other in the format





    instead of normal a b c d


    Plz help me with this.






  • Check out the "union" command in books online. If that doesn't help, please give us your table definition, sample data and expected output of the query.


  • In BOL have a look at the entry for 'Pivot table' - it creates a cross-tab report displaying the data horizontaly instead of the normal vertical format.




    use your Query like this :-


    select 'name_col' Col_name,

     case when count(name_col) > 0 then name_col else null end value

    from table_a

    group by name_col

    union all

    select 'Rev_No' Col_Name,

     convert(varchar(2),case when isnull(count(Rev_No),0) > 0 then isnull(Rev_No,0) else null end) value

    from table_a

    group by Rev_No


  • Try something like this using your table definitions:

    select cast(createdate as varchar) as 'Data'

    from syslogins

    where name = 'sa'


    select cast(language as varchar)

    from syslogins

    where name = 'sa'


    select cast(status as varchar)

    from syslogins

    where name = 'sa'


    select dbname

    from syslogins

    where name = 'sa'

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