help me solve this

  • i have procedure like this:





    ALTER proc [dbo].[S_RptCustProd]

    @StartPrd varchar(6),

    @EndPrd varchar(6),

    @Class varchar(15),

    @Tipe varchar(1)


    if exists(select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id=object_id('tempdb.dbo.#summary'))

    drop table #summary

    create table #summary (

    CustNo varchar(20) null,

    CustName varchar(100) null,

    Industry varchar(50) null


    declare @Start int, @End int, @ColName varchar(50), @StartStr varchar(50), @InvoicePajak varchar(50)

    set @Start = left(@StartPrd,4)

    set @End = left(@EndPrd,4)

    insert into #summary (CustNo, CustName, Industry)

    select distinct B.CustNo, B.CustName, B.Industry

    from SalesData A

    left outer join MsCustomer B on A.CustNo = B.CustNo

    where A.InvoiceDate between @StartPrd+'01' and dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(mm,1,@EndPrd+'01'))

    and A.ItemClass like @Class + '%'

    and A.CustNo like @Tipe + '%'

    while @Start <= @End begin

    set @ColName = 'C' + convert(varchar,@Start)

    set @StartStr = convert(varchar,@Start)

    exec ('alter table #summary add ' + @ColName + ' numeric(17,2) null')

    exec ('update #summary set ' + @ColName + ' = isnull(' +

    '(select sum(isnull(OriPrice,0)-isnull(OriDisc,0)-isnull(OriOutSource,0)- isnull((select sum(OriPPh) from PPh where InvoicePajak = '''+@InvoicePajak+''' and Period between '''+@StartPrd+''' and '''+@EndPrd+'''),0)) ' +

    ' from SalesData B ' +

    ' where #summary.CustName = B.Customer ' +

    ' and B.InvoiceDate between ''' + @StartPrd + '01'' and dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(mm,1,''' + @EndPrd + '01'')) ' +

    ' and year(B.InvoiceDate) = ' + @StartStr + ' ' +

    ' and B.ItemClass like ''' + @Class + '%'' ' +

    ' and B.CustNo like '''+ @Tipe + '%''),0) ') /*+

    ' group by Customer),0) ')*/

    set @Start = @Start + 1


    select * from #summary

    and there is an error like this:

    Msg 130, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.

    please help me to solve this... thanx

  • You can't have this line in your second EXEC in the WHILE:

    - isnull((select sum(OriPPh) from PPh where InvoicePajak = '''+@InvoicePajak+''' and Period between '''+@StartPrd+''' and '''+@EndPrd+'''),0)

    That is is aggregate in a subquery that includes an aggregate. You need to do that using a derived table that returns the aggregate in your from clause.

    If you explain what you need to do someone may be able to provide a simpler solution.

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