Help me rearrange the SQL statement - It works but ?

  • Folks
    I got this off of a SSRS report. This works fine. However I can't seem to make sense from this.
    I have never ever seen a JOIN where   one "ON" follows another "ON" ( like below  taken from the main query )
    Anyhow, can one of you rearrange the SQL so it makes sense to the reader. ( Hey!--But it works as it is )

    ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID
    ON DClaim_1.Membernbr = CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr AND

    SELECTCLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate, CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr,
    CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt, DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt AS TotalNetAmt2,
        CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt, CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode,
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProviderNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.PlaceofService,
        CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType, DClaim_1.FormNbr AS FormNbr2, DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode AS ProcedureCode2,
        DClaimServiceLine_1.ProviderNbr AS ProviderNbr2,
    CLAIM.DClaim AS DClaim_1 WITH (NOLOCK)
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS DClaimServiceLine_1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON DClaimServiceLine_1.ClaimTID = DClaim_1.ClaimTID


    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID

    ON DClaim_1.Membernbr = CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr AND
             DClaim_1.AdmitDate = CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate AND DClaim_1.FormNbr > CLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr AND
             DClaimServiceLine_1.NetAmt = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt AND DClaim_1.ClaimType = CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType

    (CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate between @StartAdmitdate and @ENDAdmitDate )
    AND (CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt > 0)
    AND (DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt > 0) AND (CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt > 500)
    (CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514'))
    AND (DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514'))

  • I'm not helping unless you format your code properly.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • mw112009 - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:04 AM

    I got this off of a SSRS report. This works fine. However I can't seem to make sense from this.
    I have never ever seen a JOIN where   one "ON" follows another "ON" ( like below  taken from the main query )
    Anyhow, can one of you rearrange the SQL so it makes sense to the reader. ( Hey!--But it works as it is )

    I believe your above SQL code sample got mangled in the process of capturing it. I tried to auto-format it using RedGate SQL Prompt, but it failed with complaints about syntax.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • This is the best I could do ... I used online and it gave the following code...
    But.. the code works...

    SELECTCLAIM.dclaim.formnbr, claim.dclaim.admitdate, claim.dclaim.membernbr, claim.dclaim.totalnetamt, dclaim_1.totalnetamt AS totalnetamt2, claim.dclaimserviceline.netamt, claim.dclaimserviceline.procedurecode, claim.dclaimserviceline.providernbr, claim.dclaim.placeofservice, claim.dclaim.claimtype, dclaim_1.formnbr AS formnbr2, dclaimserviceline_1.procedurecode AS procedurecode2, dclaimserviceline_1.providernbr AS providernbr2, claim.dclaim.plancode FROM claim.dclaim AS dclaim_1 WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN claim.dclaimserviceline AS dclaimserviceline_1 WITH (nolock) ON dclaimserviceline_1.claimtid = dclaim_1.claimtid INNER JOIN claim.dclaim WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN claim.dclaimserviceline WITH (nolock) ON claim.dclaim.claimtid = claim.dclaimserviceline.claimtid ON dclaim_1.membernbr = claim.dclaim.membernbr
    dclaim_1.admitdate = claim.dclaim.admitdate
    dclaim_1.formnbr > claim.dclaim.formnbr
    dclaimserviceline_1.netamt = claim.dclaimserviceline.netamt
    dclaim_1.claimtype = claim.dclaim.claimtype WHERE (
    claim.dclaim.admitdate BETWEEN @StartAdmitdate
    claim.dclaim.totalnetamt > 0
    dclaim_1.totalnetamt > 0
    claim.dclaimserviceline.netamt > 500
    claim.dclaimserviceline.procedurecode IN ('59409',
    dclaimserviceline_1.procedurecode IN ('59409',

  • Or let me make everyones life easier a bit...
    I ve never seen a SQl statement before that has a INNER JOIN a table/view name and then again an "INNER JOIN" followed by .....

    if you can write an example ( I am not sure even whether that syntax is valid ) 
    Hey! .. but it works  ( That is the big surprise here )

    I am trying my best to understand what kind of a join this is ....

    CLAIM.DClaim AS DClaim_1 WITH (NOLOCK)
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS DClaimServiceLine_1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON DClaimServiceLine_1.ClaimTID = DClaim_1.ClaimTID
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID

  • mw112009 - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:41 AM

    Or let me make everyones life easier a bit...
    I ve never seen a SQl statement before that has a INNER JOIN a table/view name and then again an "INNER JOIN" followed by .....

    if you can write an example ( I am not sure even whether that syntax is valid ) 
    Hey! .. but it works  ( That is the big surprise here )

    I am trying my best to understand what kind of a join this is ....

    CLAIM.DClaim AS DClaim_1 WITH (NOLOCK)
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS DClaimServiceLine_1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON DClaimServiceLine_1.ClaimTID = DClaim_1.ClaimTID
    CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID

    Don't change the order or sequence of those ON clauses. 
    It's a parent LEFT JOIN child INNER JOIN grandchild relationship.

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]

  • For my own sanity, and probably others:
    SELECT CLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate, CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr,
           CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt, DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt AS TotalNetAmt2,
           CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt, CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode,
           CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProviderNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.PlaceofService,
           CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType, DClaim_1.FormNbr AS FormNbr2, DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode AS ProcedureCode2,
           DClaimServiceLine_1.ProviderNbr AS ProviderNbr2,
         INNER JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS DClaimServiceLine_1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON DClaimServiceLine_1.ClaimTID = DClaim_1.ClaimTID
        INNER JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine WITH (NOLOCK) ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID
               ON DClaim_1.Membernbr = CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr
              AND DClaim_1.AdmitDate = CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate
              AND DClaim_1.FormNbr > CLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr
              AND DClaimServiceLine_1.NetAmt = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt
              AND DClaim_1.ClaimType = CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType
    WHERE CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate between @StartAdmitdate and @ENDAdmitDate
    AND CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt > 500
    AND CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514')
    AND DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514');

    I didn't even know that nested ON's were a thing, so I can't answer the question on why this works (I tested and can see it does), but I'mnot going to pretend I understand the syntax.

    I would, however, strongly recommend learning to format your SQL in a readable format. 🙂

    Edit and PS: I'm sure you've been asked this before, but why NOLOCK everywhere?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:51 AM

    For my own sanity, and probably others:
    SELECT CLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate, CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr,
           CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt, DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt AS TotalNetAmt2,
           CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt, CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode,
           CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProviderNbr, CLAIM.DClaim.PlaceofService,
           CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType, DClaim_1.FormNbr AS FormNbr2, DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode AS ProcedureCode2,
           DClaimServiceLine_1.ProviderNbr AS ProviderNbr2,
         INNER JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS DClaimServiceLine_1 WITH (NOLOCK) ON DClaimServiceLine_1.ClaimTID = DClaim_1.ClaimTID
        INNER JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine WITH (NOLOCK) ON CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimTID = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ClaimTID
               ON DClaim_1.Membernbr = CLAIM.DClaim.Membernbr
              AND DClaim_1.AdmitDate = CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate
              AND DClaim_1.FormNbr > CLAIM.DClaim.FormNbr
              AND DClaimServiceLine_1.NetAmt = CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt
              AND DClaim_1.ClaimType = CLAIM.DClaim.ClaimType
    WHERE CLAIM.DClaim.AdmitDate between @StartAdmitdate and @ENDAdmitDate
    AND CLAIM.DClaim.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND DClaim_1.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.NetAmt > 500
    AND CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514')
    AND DClaimServiceLine_1.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514');

    I didn't even know that nested ON's were a thing, so I can't answer the question on why this works (I tested and can see it does), but I'mnot going to pretend I understand the syntax.

    I would, however, strongly recommend learning to format your SQL in a readable format. 🙂

    It's next to impossible to capture and paste a link using Android. Try googling: on clause matters chrism

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]

  • ChrisM@home - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:46 AM

    Don't change the order or sequence of those ON clauses. 
    It's a parent LEFT JOIN child INNER JOIN grandchild relationship.

    There are no outer joins in the posted query.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • ChrisM@home - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:54 AM

    It's next to impossible to capture and paste a link using Android. Try googling: on clause matters chrism

    Can't say I've ever had any problems on my Xperia or Pixel.

    Believe this is the link you wanted though:


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • ChrisM@home - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:54 AM

    It's next to impossible to capture and paste a link using Android. Try googling: on clause matters chrism

    Here's the link

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Folks
    I am not interested in you wasting time on this. It works it works... But I have no clue what those joins are doing...
    I guess I need some education on inner joins ( The next level ) 

    I did see one person commenting that the syntax was correct and it represented a child, grandchild relationship. COOL!
    Can that person just give us a example using some table in the Adventureworks DB

  • mw112009 - Monday, April 3, 2017 12:03 PM

    I am not interested in you wasting time on this. It works it works... But I have no clue what those joins are doing...
    I guess I need some education on inner joins ( The next level ) 

    I did see one person commenting that the syntax was correct and it represented a child, grandchild relationship. COOL!
    Can that person just give us a example using some table in the Adventureworks DB

    Chris explains it very well in the link both myself and Luis have posted above.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • mw112009 - Monday, April 3, 2017 12:03 PM

    I am not interested in you wasting time on this. It works it works... But I have no clue what those joins are doing...
    I guess I need some education on inner joins ( The next level ) 

    I did see one person commenting that the syntax was correct and it represented a child, grandchild relationship. COOL!
    Can that person just give us a example using some table in the Adventureworks DB

    If you don't want people to waste their time, you should learn to format your code to make it readable. As mentioned, Chris posted an example and we provided the link to it (twice). On OUTER JOINs the order will matter, but in this case it won't. You'll hardly see the need for this syntax and most (or all) of the time you can write it on a more comprehensive way.
    Here's your query  with proper format.

    SELECT C2.FormNbr,
       C1.TotalNetAmt AS TotalNetAmt2,
       C1.FormNbr AS FormNbr2,
       CSL1.ProcedureCode AS ProcedureCode2,
       CSL1.ProviderNbr AS ProviderNbr2,
    FROM CLAIM.DClaim            AS C1 
    JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS CSL1 ON C1.ClaimTID = CSL1.ClaimTID
    JOIN CLAIM.DClaim            AS C2   ON C1.Membernbr = C2.Membernbr
                                        AND C1.AdmitDate = C2.AdmitDate
                                        AND C1.FormNbr > C2.FormNbr
                                        AND C1.ClaimType = C2.ClaimType
    JOIN CLAIM.DClaimServiceLine AS CSL2 ON C2.ClaimTID = CSL2.ClaimTID
                                        AND CSL1.NetAmt = CSL2.NetAmt
    WHERE C2.AdmitDate BETWEEN @StartAdmitdate AND @ENDAdmitDate
    AND C2.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND C1.TotalNetAmt > 0
    AND CSL2.NetAmt > 500
    AND CSL2.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514')
    AND CSL1.ProcedureCode IN ('59409', '59514', '59612', '59620', '57514');

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thom A - Monday, April 3, 2017 12:00 PM

    ChrisM@home - Monday, April 3, 2017 11:54 AM

    It's next to impossible to capture and paste a link using Android. Try googling: on clause matters chrism

    Can't say I've ever had any problems on my Xperia or Pixel.

    Believe this is the link you wanted though:

    Thom you sound just like my mum 😀
    Try pasting a link into a quoted window, the revealed text is something to do with an object reference. Or it is, on a Samsung phone.

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

    Understanding and using APPLY, (I)[/url] and (II)[/url] Paul White[/url]

    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins[/url] / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url] Jeff Moden[/url]

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