help me in groupin the values..??

  • Hi,

    i hav a query

    "select customer_id, programcode

    from salesop (nolock)

    where customer_id = 290780" which returns the resultset as

    customer_id programcode
    ----------- -----------
    290780      AY        
    290780      LT        
    290780      ILS       
    290780      AY        

    i need to group all the programcode values n to get the result as

    customer_id programcode
    ----------- -----------
    290780      AY,LT,ILS,AY

    i wanted to group without a where clause so it return thousands of rows...

    can u help me out...??

    Thanks in advance...

  • to accomplish that you may need additional processing. now create a cursor based on that same query, sort by customer_id and accumulate in a variable all the different program_codes, once the customer_id changes insert the customer_id and the accum_prog_codes (as a string) into a temp table. at the the end of the cursor select from the temp table, as your final record set if creating a SP. I'm sure some will suggest to use the new WITH recursuve structure, which I'm not familiar with yet. wait for that suggestion if not comfortable with the cursor idea.

  • -- Prepare sample data


    @Sample TABLE (ID INT, Code VARCHAR(3))




    290780, 'AY' UNION ALL


    290780, 'LT' UNION ALL


    290781, 'ILS' UNION ALL


    290780, 'AY'

    -- Show the expected output



    STUFF((SELECT ',' + s2.CODE FROM @Sample AS s2 WHERE s2.ID = s1.ID FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS CODES


    @Sample AS s1


    BY s1.ID


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Thank u so much larsson...

    it really worked out well...

  • Also try this if you don't want duplicates in the CODES



    STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT ',' + s2.CODE FROM @Sample AS s2 WHERE s2.ID = s1.ID ORDER BY ',' + s2.CODE FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS CODES

    FROM @Sample AS s1

    ORDER BY s1.ID


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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