Help me in finding new files in folders

  • hello every one

    Help me with this task

    I have 3 Folders

    Folder A,B,C

    Folder A consists of Flat Files in format of


    So what i need is Folder C consists of Flat files with same format like


    So if new file comes tomorrow it will stay in folder A like


    So now what i need to do is i need to compare Folder A and FolderC and if new file found copy that file in to folderB

    So how can i do can i compare filesnames in different folders....

    Thanks in advance....

  • Use script task, using for each file collection .. you can do this...

    get all files using from folder A

    Take a file into variable

    If not file exists in folder C then

    Move this file to folder B

    else take next file

    loop thru all files..

    do this in for each loop in script task

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