Help joining two tables and matching on multiple conditions

  • Hello, I need help formulating the following.....

    I would like to join cwm_cust table to cwm_cut_upload in the following query.. That part I am good with. What I cannot figure out how to do is match the join on 2 criteria.

    The criteria are as follows:

    cwm_cust_upload columns company and customer number

    must match

    cwm_cust columns ccmpny and ccust#

    so , cwm_cust_upload company = cwm_cust ccmpny AND cwm_cust_upload [customer number] = cwm_cust ccust#

    SELECT [customer number],company,[customer name],division,[exp date],Revenue

    from cwm_cust_upload

    where [customer type] = 'commercial'

    and [customer name] <> 'resident'

    group by [customer number],company,[customer name],company,division,[exp date],Revenue

  • is it something like this you are after...

    SELECT ......

    FROM cwm_cust_upload

    INNER JOIN cwm_cust

    ON = cwm_cust.ccmpny AND cwm_cust_upload.[customer number] = cwm_cust.ccust#


  • mbrady5 (1/27/2009)

    Hello, I need help formulating the following.....

    I would like to join cwm_cust table to cwm_cut_upload in the following query.. That part I am good with. What I cannot figure out how to do is match the join on 2 criteria.

    The criteria are as follows:

    cwm_cust_upload columns company and customer number

    must match

    cwm_cust columns ccmpny and ccust#

    so , cwm_cust_upload company = cwm_cust ccmpny AND cwm_cust_upload [customer number] = cwm_cust ccust#

    SELECT [customer number],company,[customer name],division,[exp date],Revenue

    from cwm_cust_upload

    where [customer type] = 'commercial'

    and [customer name] <> 'resident'

    group by [customer number],company,[customer name],company,division,[exp date],Revenue

    You say that you want to match two tables, cwm_cust to cwm_cut_upload, but the sample doesn't have two tables. Am I misunderstanding the explanation?

    If you're looking to JOIN the data:


    FROM cwm_cust_upload ccu

    JOIN cwm_cust cc

    ON = cc.ccmpny

    AND ccu.[customer number] = cc.[ccust#]

    WHERE ...

    This assumes an INNER JOIN. You might want to read up on INNER & OUTER JOIN in Books Online.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thanks for responding.

    The 2 tables refernced are

    1. cwm_cust_upload

    2. cwm_cust

    Thanks again.

  • Sorry, I meant the example code. The explanation clearly mentioned two tables.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thanks to all. I have successfully run my query.

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