Help! it's a string, not an int! When passing date start/end string variables to oledb sql query, get "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '2014-07-30' to data type int.".

  • Please help me find out how to get past this error.

    [OLE DB Source 1 [98]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E07.

    An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description:

    "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '2014-07-30' to data type int.".

    How can I fix? Everywherein SSIS I've set the variable to string and in the sproc that needs them, the parameters are varchar(20) so why is ssis trying to convert to int? How to fix?

    I used this guide to configure my settings:


    Control Flow

    package scope variables: date_start = String and date_end = String both evaluate to a package configuration value which gets it's date_start from a query earlier in the control flow.

    breakpoint shows the date_start and date_end values are coming through to pre-execute stage of the Data Flow task that kicks off oledb.

    Data Flow Task

    OLE DB connection manager to sql database

    Data Access mode: SQL Command

    SQL command text:

    exec spGetCoreMediaExtract

    @date_start = ?,

    @date_end = ?


    @date_start = user::date_start

    @date_end - user::date_end

    sproc (which works, btw). is like this

    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spGetCoreMediaExtract] Script Date: 07/30/2014 15:16:19 ******/





    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetCoreMediaExtract]

    @date_start nvarchar(20),

    @date_end nvarchar(20)






    , FCCA.dnis


    fact_call_center_activity FCCA

    JOIN dim_lead DL ON FCCA.dim_lead_key = DL.dim_lead_key

    WHERE FCCA.DNIS IS NOT NULL --Can't use missing DNIS

    AND DL.lead_id <> -1 --Can't use NULL leads

    ), CTE2 As



    LAD.dnisAS 'Phone_Number_Dialed'

    , DD.dim_date_keyAS 'Date_of_Response'

    , DT.hour_of_day

    , DT.minute_of_hour

    , FLA.leads_created

    , FLA.referred_lead

    , FLA.move_ins_booked

    , DL.contact_zip

    , DL.contact_phone

    , DL.lead_id


    fact_lead_activity FLA

    JOIN CTE LAD ON FLA.lead_id = LAD.lead_id

    JOIN dim_lead DL ON FLA.lead_id = DL.lead_id AND DL.date_end = '20991231' AND DL.sub_referral_source LIKE 'TV.CH%'

    JOIN dim_date DD ON DD.dim_date_key = FLA.dim_date_key_activity

    JOIN dim_time DT ON DT.dim_time_key = FLA.dim_time_key_activity


    FLA.dim_date_key_activity > @date_start

    AND FLA.dim_date_key_activity <= @date_end

    AND (

    FLA.leads_created = 1

    OR FLA.referred_lead = 1

    OR move_ins_booked = 1


    ), CTE3 AS


    'TELE' --AS Telemarketer_Code --hardcoded

    + SUBSTRING(Phone_Number_Dialed + ' ', 1, 10) --AS Phone_Number_Dialed --truncated to ten digits and padded with spaces if necessary

    + CAST(Date_of_Response AS VARCHAR(8)) --AS Date_of_Response

    + RIGHT('00' + CAST(hour_of_day AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + RIGHT('00' + CAST(minute_of_hour AS VARCHAR(2)),2) --AS Time_of_Response_Military

    + CASE

    WHEN leads_created = 1 THEN 'LEAD'

    WHEN referred_lead = 1 THEN 'REFE'

    WHEN move_ins_booked = 1 THEN 'MOVE'

    ELSE ' '

    END --AS Response_Code

    + '000001' -- Response_Counter_Field is hard coded number of responses each phone call provided

    + ' ' --AS DNIS_Code --Non-required DNIS

    + CASE

    WHEN ISNUMERIC(contact_zip) = 1 THEN SUBSTRING(COALESCE(contact_zip, '') + ' ', 1, 5)

    ELSE SUBSTRING(COALESCE(contact_zip, '') + ' ', 1, 3) + ' ' --Canada Postal Codes, hopefully

    END --AS Zip_Code_of_Caller

    + SUBSTRING(COALESCE(contact_phone, '') + ' ', 1, 3) --AS Area_Code_of_Caller

    + SUBSTRING(CAST(lead_id AS VARCHAR(15)) + ' ',1,15) --AS Customer_Identification

    as raw_data

    FROM CTE2)

    SELECT raw_data FROM CTE3


    when I hard code the sql command text like so it works to get the extract I'm after:

    SQL command text:

    exec spGetCoreMediaExtract

    @date_start = 20140615,

    @date_end = 20140615

    it even works when I do this

    SQL command text:

    exec spGetCoreMediaExtract

    @date_start = '20140615',

    @date_end = '20140615'

  • Does this work:

    exec spGetCoreMediaExtract

    @date_start = '2014-06-15',

    @date_end = '2014-06-15'

    Asking because this is what it looks like you are passing in based on your post: '2014-07-30'.

  • No, because the sproc is expecting the 20140625 format. The sproc works by the way.

    I don't see where in my post i use a date format such as you suggest.

  • KoldCoffee (7/30/2014)

    Please help me find out how to get past this error.

    [OLE DB Source 1 [98]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E07.

    An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0" Hresult: 0x80040E07 Description:

    "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '2014-07-30' to data type int.". <<<< Here

    Look with eye.

  • you're on to something. I missed that. Thanks. I shall maybe need to convert!

  • lynn....this time...

    replace('2014-07-30', '-', '')

    hee haw. Thanks a lot

    just keep it tame!

  • KoldCoffee (7/30/2014)

    lynn....this time...

    replace('2014-07-30', '-', '')

    hee haw. Thanks a lot

    just keep it tame!

    Glad to help. And I was tame.

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