Help in UPDATE

  • Hi,

    I have to fine tune some queries in the existing system. I don't have much information on these since there  is no documentation available.

    The following update takes 37 minutes to update 1002464 rows . Can someone help me in optimizing it or atleast some clues on how to do that


     UPDATE doc

     SET     USDCurrencyMultiplier =  ISNULL(ROUND(CASE WHEN  doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL

              THEN (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier / FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt) * EuEx.ExchangeRateAmt

                                                        ELSE (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier * FrEx.ExchangeRateAmt)

                                           END,2),0) ,

             EuroCurrencyMultiplier = ISNULL(ROUND(CASE WHEN doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL

                                      THEN (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier / FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt)

                                      ELSE (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier * FrEx.ExchangeRateAmt) * (1/EuEx.ExchangeRateAmt)

                                      END,2),0) ,

            CompanyCurrencyMultiplier = ISNULL(ROUND(CASE WHEN  doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL AND CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL

                                        THEN (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier / FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt) * CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt

                                        WHEN  doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL AND CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NULL  

                                        THEN ((doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier / FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt) * EuEx.ExchangeRateAmt) * (1/CoEx.ExchangeRateAmt)                   

                                        WHEN  doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NULL AND CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NULL    

                                        THEN (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier * FrEx.ExchangeRateAmt) * (1/CoEx.ExchangeRateAmt)                  

                                        WHEN  doc.CreatedDtTm >= '1/1/1999' AND FrEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NULL AND CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt IS NOT NULL                             

                                        THEN ((doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier * FrEx.ExchangeRateAmt) * (1/EuEx.ExchangeRateAmt)) * CoEu.FixedExchangeRateAmt                   

                                        WHEN doc.CreatedDtTm < '1/1/1999'

                                        THEN (doc.DocumentCurrencyMultiplier * FrEx.ExchangeRateAmt) * (1/CoEx.ExchangeRateAmt)                


            CompanyCurrencyCode = CO.CurrencyCode ,  

            CurrencyCode = doc.CurrencyCode  

     FROM wrkBillingDocData AS doc  

     JOIN  monthlyexchangerate as FrEx on  doc.CurrencyCode = FrEx.CurrencyCode       

    and doc.CreatedDtTm between FrEx.FiscalMonthStartDate and FrEx.FiscalMonthEndDate       

     and FrEx.ExchangeRateTypeCode  = 'P&L'  

      JOIN GLCompany as CO  ON doc.MSGLCompanyCode = CO.GLCompanyCode 

    JOIN  monthlyexchangerate as COEx on  CO.CurrencyCode = COEx.CurrencyCode       

     and doc.CreatedDtTm between COEx.FiscalMonthStartDate and COEx.FiscalMonthEndDate       

    and CoEx.ExchangeRateTypeCode  = 'P&L'  

     LEFT OUTER JOIN  monthlyexchangerate as EuEx  on  EuEx.CurrencyCode = 'EUR'       

     and doc.CreatedDtTm between EuEx.FiscalMonthStartDate  and EuEx.FiscalMonthEndDate

     and EuEx.ExchangeRateTypeCode  = 'P&L'

     LEFT OUTER JOIN EuroZoneCurrencyRate AS FrEu  on doc.CurrencyCode = FrEu.CurrencyCode  

      LEFT OUTER JOIN EuroZoneCurrencyRate AS COEu on CO.CurrencyCode = COEu.CurrencyCode  

     LEFT OUTER  JOIN EuroZoneCurrencyRate AS EuEu on EuEu.CurrencyCode = 'EUR' 



    Appreciate all the help



  • Column doc.CreatedDtTm participates in multiple joins "between ... and ..."

    Is there clustered index on this column? It should be.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • No. there is no clustered index on the doc.CreatedDttm column. The createddttm field is datetime field and has the format of  'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'

    There is already a clustered index on BillingDocumentNbr on doc Table

    Any other suggestions ?

  • If createddttm is datetime then it is not in any format.

    Format is used only for date representation.

    The strict rule is:

    Put clustered index on the column you most often use for range selection.

    I don't think you ever use clause "WHERE BillingDocumentNbr between ... and ..." So clustered index on this column is useless.

    Make it non-clustered and put clustered index on createddttm.

    It's OK when PK is not clustered index.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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