help in fine tunning this query which is taking long time

  • query running longer

  • Can you post DDL, including indexes and constraints, as well as the execution plan for the query?

    Adam Machanic

  • logical read23456

  • I like to move common subexpressions to subqueries.  I find it easier to read, but I don't know that this version would be any faster.  Your statistics show that the greatest number of reads are in the visits table.  Any way to filter those rows better?

    SELECT patient_sys, visit_sys, dob, name_full, reg_num, COUNT(patient_sys) as patient_count,

       gen_age, room, bed, unit

    FROM (

       SELECT od.patient_sys, od.visit_sys, CONVERT(NVARCHAR, p.dob, 101) as dob,

          p.name_last + ', ' + p.name_first as name_full, p.reg_num, od.patient_sys,


             WHEN month_diff >= 25

                THEN STR(month_diff/12) + ' yo '

             WHEN month_diff = 24 THEN

                CASE WHEN DAY(p.dob) <= DAY(GETDATE())

                   THEN '2 yo ' ELSE '1 yo ' END

             WHEN month_diff >= 2 THEN

                CASE WHEN DAY(p.dob) <= DAY(GETDATE())

                   THEN STR(month_diff) + ' mo '

                   ELSE STR(month_diff - 1) + ' mo ' END

             WHEN DATEDIFF(DD, p.dob, GETDATE()) >= 0

                THEN STR(DATEDIFF(DD, p.dob, GETDATE())) +' do '

             ELSE '0 do '

          END + p.gender as gen_age,

, v.bed, v.unit

       FROM (

          SELECT patient_sys, name_last, name_first, dob, reg_num, gender,

             DATEDIFF(MM, dob, GETDATE()) as month_diff

          FROM patients WITH (NOLOCK)

        ) p

        Join visits v WITH (NOLOCK) ON v.patient_sys = p.patient_sys

        JOIN default_devices d WITH (NOLOCK) ON d.unit = v.unit

        Inner LOOP JOIN orderdata od WITH (NOLOCK) ON od.patient_sys = v.patient_sys AND od.visit_sys = v.visit_sys

        JOIN ordermaster om WITH (NOLOCK) ON (od.order_sys = om.order_sys AND (om.orderflags & 1 = 1))

       WHERE od.orderedby_sys = 400093

        AND od.enteredby_sys <> 400093

        AND od.cosignedby_sys IS NULL

        AND (od.status > 99 or od.status in (30, 40, 50))

        AND od.current_value = 1 -- MTR 4/7/03 - only count orders with current_value=1

        AND (v.disch_date IS NULL OR v.disch_date > GETDATE() -300)

        AND d.nurse_verify = 1

    ) x

    GROUP BY patient_sys, visit_sys, dob, name_full, reg_num, gen_age, room, bed, unit

  • Is it my end, or have the original poster's posts mysteriously disappeared?

    Adam Machanic

  • No ... not your end .... Same here, too!!!

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